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Forums - Sales Discussion - So does anyone still think the PS3 will sell under 8M?

i think it will sell 8 million, it only needs another 1.4 million. it will sell well in europe and japan because of the "playstaion" brand name



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Zucas said:
Well it's a tough one. This week or next week's sales data will probably drop down a little bit. Bout 250k. So in 4 weeks it'll need 1.4 million, or about 350k a week. Sounds reasonable now. I personally would have never though PS3 would be able to hit 8 million by the end of the year, but I think I may have underestimated the power of the holiday season. Underestimated its increase. Or I didn't know Sony would float $3 billion of it's own stock to do pricedrops and new SKU's. I think it's a little bit of both.

But 8 million seems reasonable in theory. Really is going to depend on this week coming up. If it hits the 250k like I think it will then it shouldn't have too many problems hitting 8 million. But if it drops to more around 200k, then increases for the following weeks may not be as large as well. So its a tough call right now, although I think it's mroe in favor to hit 8 million than not to hit it. But I'll need to see next week's sales to really get a strong idea.

Yeah, next week needs not to drop at all, or only drop a little.  I still think that it could hit close to 8.5 or 9, if the sales pick up, but I know it will hit 8 by year end.

i love xbox 360 said:
i think it will sell 8 million, it only needs another 1.4 million. it will sell well in europe and japan because of the "playstaion" brand name

 The PS3 has alot more going for it now than just the brandname, to be pinning its recent boost in sales in Europe and Japan solely on the fact its a Playstation product is rather ignorant. 

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega. - Jason Lee, Mallrats. - Mainly American Football, snippets of Basketball, European Football and Hockey. 

Bladeneo said:
i love xbox 360 said:
i think it will sell 8 million, it only needs another 1.4 million. it will sell well in europe and japan because of the "playstaion" brand name

 The PS3 has alot more going for it now than just the brandname, to be pinning its recent boost in sales in Europe and Japan solely on the fact its a Playstation product is rather ignorant. 

ur telling me people are gonna buy a product they dont no much about rather than a product that theyve no about for years, so the playstaion brandname dose help with sale



8 million is a certainty, given seasonal buying patterns - there's always a huge Christmas bump. Also, I think the Blu-Ray speed-boost is finally kicking in, now that HDTVs are finally becoming affordable.

All of the electronics retailers I've visited in Champaign, IL and Austin, TX, both university towns and full of tech-savvy early adopters, now have shelves stuffed with BluRay discs. This season, I've noticed (1) lots of folks buying BluRay discs, (2) lots of folks asking for nonexistent Wiis, (3) lots of families buying HDTVs, and (3) $399 PS3s selling very well.

I don't think the weak US economy will derail game sales any. Usually, games do quite well in recessions, because the demand for escapist entertainment goes up.

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i love xbox 360 said:
Bladeneo said:
i love xbox 360 said:
i think it will sell 8 million, it only needs another 1.4 million. it will sell well in europe and japan because of the "playstaion" brand name

The PS3 has alot more going for it now than just the brandname, to be pinning its recent boost in sales in Europe and Japan solely on the fact its a Playstation product is rather ignorant.

ur telling me people are gonna buy a product they dont no much about rather than a product that theyve no about for years, so the playstaion brandname dose help with sale

 I never said it wouldn't help, I just said that the fact its a brandname is no longer that big a factor in terms of its appeal. You honestly think the majority of christmas shoppers arent going to know much about the 360 and Wii?

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega. - Jason Lee, Mallrats. - Mainly American Football, snippets of Basketball, European Football and Hockey. 

i would say 8.5 million for the ps3

HappySqurriel said:
After a price cut and the release of all of their major releases for 2007 the PS3 is still below 250,000 units per week in the middle of November; even with the boost in sales from Christmas it will be very difficult for the PS3 to average 333,333 or more units worldwide on a weekly basis. It may break 8 Million, but it won't pass it by much

 Is it just me or do some people think the world is just America. People last week the ps3 sold just over 330,000 worldwide according to vgchartz. In america it may have done around 200,000 but worldwide it is comfortably doing over 300,000. And I expect a big boost to come in Europe for Christmas.

I don't know if you are just ignorant or are just trolling.




USA - x360: ||| USA - PS3:
18th November 2006 - 176,006 ||| 17th November 2007 - 94,801
25th November 2006 - 192,802 ||| 24th November 2007 - 174,045
02nd December 2006 - 216,454
09th December 2006 - 276,099
16th December 2006 - 332,265
23rd December 2006 - 384,656
30th December 2006 - 119,587
With only GeoW, which thnx to hype was selling good.
The only new worth to mention game R6:Vegas on nov 25th made just 134k.
CoD3 by the end of year made 855k.
On nov 25th 2006 CoD3 made 390k with 3,75mln. x360 sold, and on nov 24th CoD4 made 360k with 2,6 mln. PS3 sold.

PS3 still have UT3 to come. =)

x360 in last 5 weeks of 2006 made 1,33 mln. consoles. =]
IF PS3 won`t drop this week much, then it has chances to sell over 1 mln. in USA only. Another 1 mln. will provide Europe + Japan. :)

Every 5 seconds on earth one child dies from hunger...

2009.04.30 - PS3 will OUTSELL x360 atleast by the middle of 2010. Japan+Europe > NA.

Gran Turismo 3 - 1,06 mln. in 3 weeks with around 4 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Gran Turismo 4 - 1,16 mln. with 18 mln. PS2 on the launch.

Final Fantasy X - around 2 mln. with 5 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Final Fantasy X-2 - 2.4 mln. with 12 mln. PS2 on the launch.


1.8 mln. PS3 today(2008.01.17) in Japan. Now(2009.04.30) 3.16 mln. PS3 were sold in Japan.
PS3 will reach 4 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 25k.

PS3 may reach 5 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 50k.
PS2 2001 vs PS3 2008 sales numbers =) + New games released in Japan by 2009 that passed 100k so far

my prediction stands at 7.5 - 7.75 million sold

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