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Forums - Sony Discussion - Holy cow! Call of Duty is at 740k for the PS3!


Brilliant for COD 4

you see give us FANTASTIC GAMES on equal to 360 or even above (ala cod 4)

then we'll buy them

EA shouldn't excpect us to gobble up the crap their puting out

Supporter of

 SONY & Nintendo

 Consoles owned - SNES, N64, PS, GC, PS2, PSP, PS3

 I DO NOT support Xbox

My prediction for YEARS END:

WII - 18.3 Million

Xbox 360 - 15 Million

Playstation 3 - 8.5 Million

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So Call of Duty 4 sold more in Europe for PS3 then it did in US? Because Call of Duty 4 is at 300k in the US. Wonder if Assassins Creed will reach 1m for PS3. Goods news I am chocked


I'm looking at the Amazon sales for Uncharted and it's already into the 50s. While Amazon isn't the perfect indicator, it's not completely meaningless either. I've never seen a game that far down on the list that turned around and had good sales, unless they do a half off sale.

FishyJoe said:
I've never seen a game that far down on the list that turned around and had good sales, unless they do a half off sale.

How about RE:UC? You are the mod. Stop spaming this thread. It's about CoD4. Give me also your trademark tirade about R&C...

FishyJoe said:
I'm looking at the Amazon sales for Uncharted and it's already into the 50s. While Amazon isn't the perfect indicator, it's not completely meaningless either. I've never seen a game that far down on the list that turned around and had good sales, unless they do a half off sale.

 When PS3 Oblivion got cut to $20, it shot to #1. Didn't help it.

Don't make me get Dolla Dolla on you!



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Yeah, I guess my main point is that games that far down on the list never do very well.

FishyJoe said:
Yeah, I guess my main point is that games that far down on the list never do very well.

 RE:UC was lower and still sold almost 130k. 

Tetsuo Shima said:
FishyJoe said:
I've never seen a game that far down on the list that turned around and had good sales, unless they do a half off sale.

How about RE:UC? You are the mod. Stop spaming this thread. It's about CoD4. Give me also your trademark tirade about R&C...

I'm not the one who brought up Uncharted. It's been mentioned at least a dozen times in this thread. The only one making tirades here is you. If you continue with the unjustified attacks, there will not be a good outcome.