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Forums - Sony Discussion - Gamespot Reviews Uncharted...

Are the people defending GS scores for these games the same ones who complained about 8.5 to MP3 and 8.8 for Z: TP? Curious to check.

People need to stop complaining about 8s or 8.5s, they are great scores.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

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I have no problems with their scores, but Gamespot's editors blow. They have the most poorly written reviews of the 3 major sites, and that includes 1UP. Here is a snippet from their Mass Effect review:

"The Bad: Vehicle navigation and combat are weak

Combined with an exciting and unique combat mechanic, it makes for a fun and absorbing experience that you'll want to see through to the end."

That's not as bad as their Metroid Prime 3 review though where they complained that they stuck too closely to the formula then a paragraph later said that too much was changed in the formula. I care about the content. Not the scores.

I guess Gamespot is having an identity crisis.

The site just can't decide what it wants to be.



ckmlb said:
Are the people defending GS scores for these games the same ones who complained about 8.5 to MP3 and 8.8 for Z: TP? Curious to check.

People need to stop complaining about 8s or 8.5s, they are great scores.

I originally complained about the 8.5.  Here's the thing: I didn't feel like Gamespot had fallen into a pattern where that was a good score, at the time.  However, I think, having seen their recent scores for other titles, I'm pretty satisfied with that 8.5.  I think they've just become a little more stringent with their ratings, which makes me happy.

I wouldn't be surprised if some other people who saw those scores and remembered the way in which Gamespot traditionally rated games would be shocked.  But at this point, it's just clear that they're tough on games in terms of score, in general, so it's less shocking/more acceptable.  I think only hardcore metascore people will find issue.