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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Sony copies, we innovate." - Nintendo

Why are we discussing a news article from 2006?

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I have lived as a warrior. I have died as a god. Having suffered the ultimate sacrifice, I have been denied release. I...I will defeat Olympus. I will have my revenge


forest-spirit said:

Sony vs Nintendo.

Round 1.


She's playing Natal :-O

Looks like MS has snuck in and pinched round one from both of them.
Typical MS

btw this article was written in 2006




- Just a reminder

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

Remember how Nintendo pioneered the use of Disc based media in consoles? Oh wait, they stayed with cartridges 5 years past their prime. Pretty sure Sony was the first to use DVD in the PS2, so is the Wii a ripoff?

Actually, the PS1 is completely Nintendo technology. They helped Sony make it, and then after the falling out, Sony released the technology as the PS1.

Remember how Nintendo had an online gaming network that let you play with dozens of other gamers with unique usernames and voice chat? Oh, they still don't have that?

Technically Sega is the first console to have online multiplayer, but Nintendo did dabble in that area with the Super Famicon released only in Japan. As for the online gaming network, none of the consoles innovated that. You have us PC gamers to thank for that.

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Seriously, have to love when people dig up articles from years ago

Just waiting for that PS Vita to come out so I can play some full featured games on the go with that beautiful screen and control scheme...

SmokedHostage said:
Trash Talk.. from Nintendo?

Unheard of!

Anyway, I think they are right to an extent but it's pretty cool that they've said it now.

unheard us? where were you from 92-99? :p

d21lewis said:
It's about damn time Nintendo opened fire. This has gone on long enough. I love my Playstations, but historically, ANYTHING that they see working for somebody else, they make a version of it. I know everything is built off of something else, but damn! If Sega, Nintendo, or Microsoft bring it to the mainstream first, Sony is going to do it, too. It's ridiculous.

  It's just a function of who they are as a company.  They only do everything could very well be their corporate slogan.

  Find a segment of consumer electronics that Sony doesn't have at least 5 products in, I challenge you.  Mobile phones, desktops, laptops, portable media players, boom boxes, recievers, tvs, game consoles, video cameras, phones, digital cameras, film and photo processing software, game production, MMORPGs, movie production, movie format production, television production etc.  They really just do pretty much everything so of course they're the first to move into any segment that looks viable. 

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me

Twistedpixel said:
They're right.

Sony copied:

1. The basic design of the SNES controller.
2. Then added analogue stick and rumble.
3. Achievements from Microsoft.
4. Wiimote from Nintendo.

Their innovations are as follows:

1. Making the startling leap of logic that a cd player ought to also play music/DVD drive play movies.
2. That two analogue sticks are better than one.
3. More technology is better than less technology.
4. An aggressive business model of price cuts to drive market share.
5. Something called an Eyetoy but they failed to do anything with it nor see any potential.

Which proves everyone copys and immitates eachother? Nintendo are gutsy but look at their sales last 2 gens because they didn't want to use DVDs.  Xbox controller to me is a GC controller on crack. everyone copys everyone. Without Sony putting DVD players in the Ps2 do you really think home consoles would be as widely accepted as they are now? DVD player was just the start imo to make it ok to reintroduce other features like online, and multimedia systems xbox has now.

Impulsivity said:
d21lewis said:
It's about damn time Nintendo opened fire. This has gone on long enough. I love my Playstations, but historically, ANYTHING that they see working for somebody else, they make a version of it. I know everything is built off of something else, but damn! If Sega, Nintendo, or Microsoft bring it to the mainstream first, Sony is going to do it, too. It's ridiculous.

  It's just a function of who they are as a company.  They only do everything could very well be their corporate slogan.

  Find a segment of consumer electronics that Sony doesn't have at least 5 products in, I challenge you.  Mobile phones, desktops, laptops, portable media players, boom boxes, recievers, tvs, game consoles, video cameras, phones, digital cameras, film and photo processing software, game production, MMORPGs, movie production, movie format production, television production etc.  They really just do pretty much everything so of course they're the first to move into any segment that looks viable. 

Since the article is from 2006, pretend that I didn't say anything.