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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Sony copies, we innovate." - Nintendo

RolStoppable said:
room414 said:


First off, don't put words in my mouth. Nowhere did i say the sony's flight controller was pretty much the same as the nintendo 64 controller, only that it had dual analog sticks thus providing inspiration for sony's handheld controller.

Did you miss this part: First, it wasn't actually analog. Analog joysticks like the 5200's had too many moving parts and were prone to breaking. Nintendo's stick was digital, but provided enough levels of sensitivity that the distinction was moot. 

So nintendo obviously followed suit by making their subsequesnt controllers with analog sticks on them.

Looks just like a thumbstick to me.

Fine, the Vectrex had indeed an analog thumbstick. However, it didn't make it past the status of a gimmick and it didn't add anything substantial to gameplay. It's not surprising in the least that the Nintendo 64 controller had a much bigger impact on the industry. It's important to note that video games are more than just hardware and without the correct software, technology becomes meaningless.

Regarding the missed part: No, I didn't miss it. In the same sentence the article states that the distinction is moot which to me means negligible, not worth mentioning.

No rol it couldnt be used as a thumbstick and was never marketed (not even ment as one if the designers werent complete morons) as one you could not reach button 1 (and had troube to reach 2) if you used it as a thumb stick.You played with this as a stationary controller thats how it was ment to play and was marketed the same way you played in the arcade halls.

It was the best joystick out there at the time and it deserves credit for it not for being a thumbstick it never was. It was the best joystick closly followed by the tac3 wich would have been the best if it werent for the fact they broke easy as hell.

Vaio - "Bury me at Milanello"      R.I.P AC Milan

In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird.
Now the world is weird  and people take Prozac  to make it normal.

If laughing is the best medicine and marijuana makes you laugh

Is marijuana the best medicine?

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

“If any creator has not played Mario, then they’re probably not a good creator. That’s something I can say with 100 percent confidence. Mario is, for game creators, the development bible.

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hsrob said:
chocoloco said:

Why are Nintendo and Nintendo fans acting so scared. Its like they are afraid of Sony.

Its funny how Move has revealed so many Ninty fanboyz on this sight. They act like only Nintendo should succeed when its better for the industry to have all the game companies being successful.

For all the people that refuse to read the thread, this is a 3 1/2 year old article about the sixaxis from a guy who no longer works for Nintendo.

Who cares it doesn't change how Nintendo fans are responding, Dah.

Is that a dvd drive in the wii? wtf nintendo coping sony /shame

Impulsivity said:

Remember how Nintendo pioneered the use of Disc based media in consoles?

Yup. Famicom Disk System brought us amazing games like Metroid.

Oh wait, you weren't trying to make a case for Nintendo? The beauty of indignant ignorance.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

RolStoppable said:
vaio said:
RolStoppable said:

Fine, the Vectrex had indeed an analog thumbstick. However, it didn't make it past the status of a gimmick and it didn't add anything substantial to gameplay. It's not surprising in the least that the Nintendo 64 controller had a much bigger impact on the industry. It's important to note that video games are more than just hardware and without the correct software, technology becomes meaningless.

Regarding the missed part: No, I didn't miss it. In the same sentence the article states that the distinction is moot which to me means negligible, not worth mentioning.

No rol it couldnt be used as a thumbstick and was never marketed (not even ment as one if the designers werent complete morons) as one you could not reach button 1 (and had troube to reach 2) if you used it as a thumb stick.You played with this as a stationary controller thats how it was ment to play and was marketed the same way you played in the arcade halls.

It was the best joystick out there at the time and it deserves credit for it not for being a thumbstick it never was. It was the best joystick closly followed by the tac3 wich would have been the best if it werent for the fact they broke easy as hell.

After watching the Classic Game Room video I think I have to agree with you. The way the buttons are set up I doubt that many (if any) people have held the controller in their hands. Also, the controller is more like a massive brick and probably weighs quite a bit. Another reason why it would be most commonly used stationary.

The whole point is that nintendo took existing technology and improved upon it just like everyone else does. I already stated that a couple pages back but that wasn't good enough for you. Nintendo fans seem to want everybody to bend over and kiss the ass of their beloved company. While nintendo is a fantastic company that did good things for this industry nintendo fans have an overly inflated opinion of them.

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this just sounds like grade school whining to me. go call mommy if you wanna cry. now dun get me wrong, what they are saying is true (welll partly anyway, you can't think ANYthing that your company didn't come up with themselves.. well maybe you got amnesia, i forgive you). but cmon, that's life. imitation is the best form of flattery is it not? damn, if ppl weren't allowed to copy ideas, we'd have monopolies running all aspects of life. do you want the only car you can drive to be ford?

fact is, if any company were to copy and improve on something nintendo made. Hey that's life, show us why your product is better. it adds competition and competition is the cause for these innovations in the first place. keep innovating, the world knows how nintendo rolls, just keep showing it.

Nintendo makes 1 big innovative things.

Sony Makes 1000 small innovative things.

I haven't read much of the comments but has anybody notice this from 2006?

SidOfBee said:

This topic inspired me to register and make my first post on this site!  I want to claruify that Sony was NOT the first company to use CDs or disc based medai for game consoles.... the Turbographx 16/PC Engine, Sega CD, Amiga, 3DO, and Phillips CDi are among some others that did this over a half decade prior!  Also, dual analog is not Sony's innovation either... this was done in arcades for decades prior, as well as early consoles from the 70s.  Granted, Sony has improved and defined many of these technologies... I love my Sony systems... but Nintendo takes alot more risks and has changed the gaming landscape multiple times due to their innovations.  The only thing Nintendo has not innovated AT ALL in is ONLINE... but the 360 is by far the definitive online gaming experience... and online gaming was and is primarily a standard that was brought on by PC gaming.  I think alot of you are confusing Sony's technological expertise and stregnth with innovation.  I belive something is considered "innovative" if what is being done has never been done before.  What has Sony done that wasn't, in some fashion, done before?

I would like to say this, which no-one in this thread has said to you yet:

Welcome to VGChartz! :) 

880user088 said:
Nintendo makes 1 big innovative things.

Sony Makes 1000 small innovative things.

I think thats a bit of an understatement. Sony made atleast 10000 small innovative things.

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.