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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Super Mario Sunshine vs. Super Mario Galaxy: which game is better?

I didn't get very far (3-4 stars) in Sunshine, but I'm half-way through Galaxy. It's not my genre, and obviously the hype is affecting my perception of things, but I'm finding Galaxy much more enjoyable. Maybe I'll try Sunshine again after I beat Galaxy a few times, and see how I like it then.

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The level design in Mario Galaxy is maybe the best in any game in years. Every level actually does something new and crazy. In Sunshine they were all derivative Mario 64 levels with added water gun use.

How far in Galaxy are you? Levels keep getting better and better. Try the Dark Matter Plant Bowser level or the Toy Galaxy you won't even believe the stuff they do.
Sunshine's levels had more depth. Like another member said, Galaxy is a bit linear. Also, the levels in Sunshine more alot more challenging, and that's very big for me. Plus, boss fights in Sunshine were alot better than Galaxy's. Right now I'm about 11 hours into the game. I have 47 stars, and I'm at The Garden. I just got done colleting those purple coins to get that red star. Ouside of graphics, Sunshine has this game beat.

ckmlb said:
The level design in Mario Galaxy is maybe the best in any game in years. Every level actually does something new and crazy. In Sunshine they were all derivative Mario 64 levels with added water gun use.

How far in Galaxy are you? Levels keep getting better and better. Try the Dark Matter Plant Bowser level or the Toy Galaxy you won't even believe the stuff they do.

Ok I've stood up with most of the Sunshine bashing, but that's just plain wrong. I do think Galaxy is a better game than Sunshine though.

grandmaster192 said:

 Sunshine's levels had more depth. Like another member said, Galaxy is a bit linear. Also, the levels in Sunshine more alot more challenging, and that's very big for me. Plus, boss fights in Sunshine were alot better than Galaxy's. Right now I'm about 11 hours into the game. I have 47 stars, and I'm at The Garden. I just got done colleting those purple coins to get that red star. Ouside of graphics, Sunshine has this game beat.

drugs are baaaad

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


grandmaster192 said:
The level design in Mario Galaxy is maybe the best in any game in years. Every level actually does something new and crazy. In Sunshine they were all derivative Mario 64 levels with added water gun use.

How far in Galaxy are you? Levels keep getting better and better. Try the Dark Matter Plant Bowser level or the Toy Galaxy you won't even believe the stuff they do.
Sunshine's levels had more depth. Like another member said, Galaxy is a bit linear. Also, the levels in Sunshine more alot more challenging, and that's very big for me. Plus, boss fights in Sunshine were alot better than Galaxy's. Right now I'm about 11 hours into the game. I have 47 stars, and I'm at The Garden. I just got done colleting those purple coins to get that red star. Ouside of graphics, Sunshine has this game beat.

 It's disingenuous and intellectual fraud to properly compare the games when you haven't completed one of them.

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I would rather have a comparison with Mario64 which was IMO considerably better than Sunshine.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Fkusumot, I already have a good grasp for how good the game is, and I don't think I need to collect 120 stars to compare the two.

I am currently playing Sunshine (before starting SMG) and I can tell you that I find SMS very tedious... I don't know where to go next... Delfino Town is way too boring...

grandmaster192 said:
I would like to hear some opinions. What game do you guys think is better? Please, give me a real opinion. Don't just pick Galaxy because of review scores. Based on what you have played so far, what game is better out of the two? Super Mario Sunshine―the greatest 3d platformer of all-time―is the better game. First of, in my opinion, the level designs in sunshine where better than the ones in Galaxly. Furthermore, the game was more challenging, offering better boss fights and clever traps. The platforming in Sunshine was also more fun. Plus, the overall gameplay was alot deeper, as the controls where more complex and had more depth.

I have Sunshine since 2005 and i have 5 shines, i have Galaxy since a 1st November and i have 90 stars (and i have other game to play too =/). IMO it's definately Galaxy.

fkusumot said:
grandmaster192 said:
The level design in Mario Galaxy is maybe the best in any game in years. Every level actually does something new and crazy. In Sunshine they were all derivative Mario 64 levels with added water gun use.

How far in Galaxy are you? Levels keep getting better and better. Try the Dark Matter Plant Bowser level or the Toy Galaxy you won't even believe the stuff they do.
Sunshine's levels had more depth. Like another member said, Galaxy is a bit linear. Also, the levels in Sunshine more alot more challenging, and that's very big for me. Plus, boss fights in Sunshine were alot better than Galaxy's. Right now I'm about 11 hours into the game. I have 47 stars, and I'm at The Garden. I just got done colleting those purple coins to get that red star. Ouside of graphics, Sunshine has this game beat.

 It's disingenuous and intellectual fraud to properly compare the games when you haven't completed one of them.

Look at all the posts saying "I have 8 shines in Sunshine and..."