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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do you rush to beat the final boss or...

rocketpig said:
It depends on the game. In some games, like Bioshock, I spend a lot of time wandering around because the environment and story is great. Others, like Halo 3 or Heavenly Sword, I just move on through the game because there isn't much else to keep me interested. Both games were good but didn't offer much incentive to explore around. Then there are other games like Blue Dragon or Twilight Princess where I do some side quests but move through the game at a decent clip, ignoring some of the more annoying - or boring - side quests.

The most recent game where I find myself exploring everything in sight is Assassin's Creed. The environment is just too amazing to pass up. SMG will probably be the same when I play it.

i totaly agree this is exactly what i do