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Forums - General Discussion - Define the following.

I need definitons for these two phrases:  hardcore gamer and hardcore game.  Just a few sentences would be fine.  I'm proving a point, and I need input from a video game community to help me out.

Note: Yes, I know what they are.  However, what I say is not enough, and that is why I need more.

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tarheel91 said:

I need definitons for these two phrases: hardcore gamer and hardcore game. Just a few sentences would be fine. I'm proving a point, and I need input from a video game community to help me out.

Note: Yes, I know what they are. However, what I say is not enough, and that is why I need more.

 Is there even a definition for that?

People who game as an experience, those who game not just for fun, but to better their skills.

I think this is kind of pointless, but a lot of people on this site have some sort of Anti-"Elitist" attitude so you might get some rather *ehrrmmm* interesting responses...



MontanaHatchet said:
People who game as an experience, those who game not just for fun, but to better their skills.

I think this is kind of pointless, but a lot of people on this site have some sort of Anti-"Elitist" attitude so you might get some rather *ehrrmmm* interesting responses...

I can see your hand hovering over the ban button...


@TC - It is as yet Undefined. But there are many ideas of what it might mean out there.

"..just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake"

I'm too drunk right now. I just don't have the hand-eye coordination to press that tiny little button!

Still, I'm giddy to see the responses!



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hardcore game: a small globular or rounded mass of medicinal substance, usually covered with a hard coating, that is to be swallowed whole.

hardcore gamer: a person who produces.

Hardcore gamer - One who truly appreciates a game for what it is, and participates in gaming as an active hobby, rather than playing games simply as a means to pass the time. A hardcore gamer tends to be quite knowledgeable of the current state and history of the gaming realm.

Hardcore game - An excellent yet under-appreciated title that gains critical acclaim in the minds of hardcore gamers, but does not manage to achieve mass acceptance from the gaming market as a whole, most likely due to a lack of advertising, the "cool" factor, or some other such nonsense.

A quick media definition
Hardcore gamer: A person who lives to play video games.
Hardcore game: A game made for said Hardcore gamer.

Now I know that some people are "hardcore" when they don't meet the above requirements. The above requirements are more for mass consumption and are portrayed negatively because there is a small bias against such "fanatical game players."

In any case a "Hardcore Gamer" is someone who takes great joy and even pride in his gaming accomplishments and/or abilities. He/she can spend lots of time playing any certain game and not get bored. A person that takes a gaming console to a party or gathering to play with a group of people could be a hardcore gamer as well.
A "Hardcore Game" is a game that could require lots of attention to detail and needs lots of micromanaging. Most RPGs could fall into this category. Some FPS will fall into this category. A hardcore game must have depth.

I hope that works for everyone.

I want my WHOLE paycheck! I support the Fair Tax!

makingmusic476 said:
Hardcore gamer - One who truly appreciates a game for what it is, and participates in gaming as an active hobby, rather than playing games simply as a means to pass the time. A hardcore gamer tends to be quite knowledgeable of the current state and history of the gaming realm.

Hardcore game - An excellent yet under-appreciated title that gains critical acclaim in the minds of hardcore gamers, but does not manage to achieve mass acceptance from the gaming market as a whole, most likely due to a lack of advertising, the "cool" factor, or some other such nonsense.

Your hardcore game sounds more like a "Cult" game

"..just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake"

This follows trivially from the Wii Bingo Board:

A hardcore game is a PS3/360 exclusive, or a multi-platform game which hasn't been ported to the Wii.

A hardcore gamer is a gamer who has never been within a 30-mile radius of a plugged in Wii.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957