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Forums - General Discussion - So I washed my phone.

I was doing some laundry at home and I forgot my phone was in my pocket. After the cycle was done, I found the phone at the bottom of the washing machine. Needless to say, it's toast now. Lucky for me, it was a cheap phone. I need a replacement now. Any suggestions? My budget is about 200 dollars.



Around the Network

Put it somewhere warm and dry for about 2 weeks and it should dry out and work again. I did this with an old phone and ended up selling it after it dried out. Note, that was an old phone when they were made better then the crap that is made now. What service are you with?

My Tag: 2 Timothy 3:1

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven! (John14:6)

Every second 2 people die . . . What if this is your second?

Hahaha XD. Serious this reminds me of me.

On topic: I don't know much about phones so I think others can help you.

At least it's all nice and clean.

Wii Code 8761-5941-4718-0078 

> Any suggestions? My budget is about 200 dollars.

Go for the cheapest phone you can buy, and spend the rest on games.

Around the Network

I'm with Fido. My mother is gonna think I'm dead when I don't call her back for 2 weeks. But seriously my phone is so done. I needed a new one anyways.



Maybe I'll try Craigslist.



The Nokia 6500 looks good.

Remove the battery and let it air dry for at least 5 days, up to 2 weeks. Alot of times it will dry out and work perfectly fine. I'd also suggest if you have the tolls do this and remove the casing and wipe down any and all metal/electrical/circuit parts with rubbing alcohol. (damp, not soaked with rubbing alcohol.)

Many times it will get back and work fine after that. If you don't have that kind of time, place the phone on a cookie sheet and at a very low temperature (like 150-175F) in the oven for about 20 minutes and see if it's dried out then. may take a bit longer but keep a close eye on it so it doesn't melt. ;)


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.

Oh, you could use a hairdryer as well, but again, make sure that the battery is removed. And only use LOW heat settings, not high.. You'll melt things on high.


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.