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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Ninja Gaiden 2 footage!!! Gruesome, yet strangely....arousing!


This game is looking amazing.  Even once you remove their limbs, enemies will attempt to kill you by crawling towards you with their weapons.  

The graphics look impressive and the gameplay looks as stellar as in the original.  Hope its a little easier than that one apparently was though..........

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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looks great. The camera seems a bit poor though, it seems pretty difficult to see what's going on. Difficult games are good but not if they're difficult because they're hard to control...

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looks good ,but the camera is sorta like in ninja gaiden black which isnt to good,but still time for improvement

well i dont think we'll be seeing it until around october next year to be honest, so im sure they'll fix the camera. If you read the article it says that the AI is only 30% done, which is amazing if true, because the enemies already seem highly intelligent.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

You can do a different finishing move on somebody depending on which body limb you cut off first.

Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%
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Its just looking plain amazing. They said a week ago that limbs you cut off don't disappear like in Gears of War and most other shooters.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

first of, your topic is sick. how can you get sexually excited by seeing peoples limbs get chopped off?

second, where is ther realism? Do you really think people who have just lost their legs have nothing better to do than still crawl towards you trying to kill you? For gods sake, they should be screaming in agony. Lets get real people, this is not realism, this is from people who are sexually aroused by this sort of fake realism crap.

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starcraft said:
well i dont think we'll be seeing it until around october next year to be honest, so im sure they'll fix the camera. If you read the article it says that the AI is only 30% done, which is amazing if true, because the enemies already seem highly intelligent.

if its only 30% and seems great then i wonder when it will be 100% how it will be

starcraft said:
Its just looking plain amazing. They said a week ago that limbs you cut off don't disappear like in Gears of War and most other shooters.


Faxanadu said:
first of, your topic is sick. how can you get sexually excited by seeing peoples limbs get chopped off?

second, where is ther realism? Do you really think people who have just lost their legs have nothing better to do than still crawl towards you trying to kill you? For gods sake, they should be screaming in agony. Lets get real people, this is not realism, this is from people who are sexually aroused by this sort of fake realism crap.


First off, the thread title is quiet clearly a joke, take it as such.

Second, the game is about a psycho with a giant knife that seems to be able to take enormous punishment is his quest to defeat numerous mythological monsters for no apparent reason to think off.  In other words, if you want realism, people continuing to fight after the removal of a limb is the least of your worries....... 

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS