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Forums - Sales Discussion - Square Enix Q2 Earnings Release (11/19)

hunter_alien said:
Ummmm ... yeah the DS is giving much money to them , but the PSP steals the #1 spot :D

 That may be true but there's alot more games on the Nintendo platforms.

Generation 8 Predictions so far.....(as of 9/2013)

Console that will sell most: Nintendo Wii U

Who will sell more consoles between Microsoft/SONY: SONY


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Words Of Wisdom said:
nintendo_fanboy said:
no absolutely not sarcastic, I think this is a great number. This is not like a new FF that comes out for a home console but a remake of a 20-year-old game!

Listen to Konnichiwa, to those who were never fortunate enough to play the original, it is a new game.

Of course, but it is still a 20-year-old game. Tales of Phantasia also didn't sell like hot cakes when it first came to europe two years ago on the GBA although it is the better game.

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)

nintendo_fanboy said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
nintendo_fanboy said:
no absolutely not sarcastic, I think this is a great number. This is not like a new FF that comes out for a home console but a remake of a 20-year-old game!

Listen to Konnichiwa, to those who were never fortunate enough to play the original, it is a new game.

Of course, but it is still a 20-year-old game. Tales of Phantasia also didn't sell like hot cakes when it first came to europe two years ago on the GBA although it is the better game.

 Yeah but you are talking about Europe where there is a lot of love for FF it is probably one of the only RPG's that people play in Europe. I recommend a lot of FF fans this game but they always own a PSP or PS1,2,3.


Where is Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War?

Software numbers by region

- Final Fantasy (PSP): 140.000
- Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings (NDS): 530.000
- Final Fantasy Tactics The War of the Lions (PSP): 320.000
- Final Fantasy II (PSP): 90.000
- Itadaki Street DS (NDS): 410.000
- Dragon Quest Sword: Kamen no Joou to Kagami no Tou (Wii): 490.000
- Its a Wonderful World (NDS): 180.000
- Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job (PS2): 160.000
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates (NDS): 360.000
- Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII (PSP): 710.000
- DS Style (NDS): 70.000

North America:
- FF Fables: Chocobo Tales (NDS): 70.000
- Dawn of Mana (PS2): 70.000
- Final Fantasy (PSP): 130.000
- Final Fantasy II (PSP): 70.000
- Heroes of Mana (NDS): 30.000

- Valkyrie Profile Lenneth (PSP): 60.000
- Final Fantasy III (NDS): 450.000
- FF Fables: Chocobo Tales (NDS): 100.000
- Valkyrie Profile 2 Silmeria (PS2): 170.000
- Heroes of Mana (NDS): 50.000

Surprising to see that EU is a bigger market for SE than the USA so far this year.


Some things from the shareholders conference:

1. DQ IX release still undecided.

2. Development of cross platform White engine will not be canceled despite rumours.