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Forums - Sony Discussion - Assassin's Creed For PS3 Seeing Lock Ups

konnichiwa said:
How can he plays it with all those problems =/.

 patience? lol

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It's also the first game which proves that 2-legged horses can run:

The hero can also fly:

On topic: I also saw someone complaining about lockups in Portuguese forums.

Oh wait, just one more video:

Looks like the game might have been rushed for the holidays?


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Yet to experience these things and im almost done
Seriously alot of you need to play the game before you judge it, it really is a good game. Theres no way they could of made it bug free, no game EVER will be, specially a giant game like assassins creed.

Theres a few things here and there, like stabbing a guy and his heads through the ground, or stabbing something in mid air and it says you killed something, but hey still a great game

Wouldnt know about the ps3 version though

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.

There are many games with a lot of bugs which are great! I remember playing around with bugs in the first GTA, for example. I heard Just Cause is also great despite tons of bugs (including airplanes flying underwater).

What it does mean, though, is that either the QA teams for those games sucked, or the game was rushed.

PS: The above opinion is for non-crashing bugs, of course. Bugs causing lockups which aren't extremely rare should NEVER be in the final version of any game.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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Here is the PS3 version fix info

so just turn off information board and don't login to PSN. this fixes Frame rate problems and Freezing.

Console gaming is getting closer and closer to PC gaming. It used to be trouble-free...

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Umm games have always had glitches in previous console gaming. the only reason people are making a big deal about it now is that alot of hyped up games and good game are having problems out of the gate. PC games were better for the fact thet they had patches and ways to balance a game further after release. Tons of PC games gave BSOD but people had to deal with it as many games were good enough for pc gamers to overlook it. Battlefield 2 was one of the most buggy patched up all the time games I ever played but I just could't stop playing it on my PC cause the game was just That damn good. alos look at all the blizzard games on the PC that have eveolved over time due to patches. 

Yah I figured this game was going to be released when it was not quite cooked. I was reading an interview in a recent Game Informer (I think...) where the games release date was looming only a couple months away and they were still ironing out some wrinkles. I took into consideration that the articles in the mag are usually dated back a month from their print date but still.....I was thinking to myself they were cuttting it pretty damn close.

 Gotta love patches!! 


PS360 ftw!

Currently playing..........

Gears of War 2, GTA IV Lost and Damned, Little Big Planet (Yes I said I had no interest but my girl wanted to try it and we did and now Im hooked )




PC games have patches, sure, and that's good... But console gaming used to be about having a simple trouble-free experience for users. Developers could test the target consoles knowing that every user had the same hardware.

With consoles now getting online functionality, multiple models, firmware updates, etc etc, the simplicity is disappearing, both for users and for game developers/testers. Kids shouldn't need to know what a patch is, neither should people who aren't computer literate. Games shouldn't need to get patched, many people don't even have online functionality.

Heck, I am very computer literate and even I don't want to mess around with patches and updates on a console, so I really don't see why some companies don't pay more attention to these issues before they launch their stuff.

I hear that the PS3 allows Blu-Ray discs to contain the firmware version that the contained game requires. I suppose this is to avoid the need for an online update while still allowing developers to use functionality and bug fixes contained in later firmware versions. Why didn't Ubisoft test the game properly with a specific firmware version, and then include that version in the game disc? To me it just smacks of incompetence (together with the PES 2008 debacle and the Wii version of Guitar Hero 3 having monaural audio; that's for Konami and Activision respectively). This gen's games are more expensive, and they can't afford the expense of getting such basic things right?


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957