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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Well they forced my hand, I had to get a gamefly account...

Well I guess I'll probably get more comedy central ads, and no more basketball ads.

Either way I'm happy. Everybody should do this. Hell 5 bucks a month for unlimited gaming, who wouldn't want to?

I just saved a bundle on my car rather my gaming budget.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

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it is great!!!!! highly reccomend!!

I started gamefly about two months ago and so far I love it. I own all three systems and with all the games my pocketbook was taking a hit. I started on the 2 games plan but due to the recent onslaught of games I just moved up to the 3 game plan.

I like the fact that I can hang onto a game for as long as I like. I have had COD4 for the past couple of weeks. Even though I beat it in the first 2 days, I have held onto it since a lot my friends on Live have been playing it recently. When they all tire of that(usually takes a new game a month, unless it is really liked by everyone) and go back to Halo or Vegas, I will just send it back. I also like the fact that I am not forced to finish a game in 5 days or pay a late fee from Blockbuster or Hollywood.

Right now I have SMG, Uncharted, and COD4. Pretty much the latest releases and I didn't have to wait at all for them to ship them out to me. These are all games I would have definitely bought if not for Gamefly. So for me it saves a ton of money, and if I decide the games a keeper I will just buy it from them.

the first rule of gamefly is....don't talk about gamefly.

That's very encouraging. I've got about 30 games on my Q now (wii and some gamecube games I missed back in the day) but I doubt I'll get around to all of those for a very long time, seeing as how I'll be adding more to my Q as more wii games are released.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

i want to joinn

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go then friend Join! Both Gamefly and! Get it! NOW!

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.