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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do you invert?


Do you invert?

Yes. Y-axis only 43 39.45%
Yes. X-axis only (?) 2 1.83%
Yes. Both axes (?!) 4 3.67%
No. 45 41.28%
Your droids, they'll have to wait outside. 15 13.76%

So I downloaded the 2000 version of Aliens vs. Predator off of Steam and was just having a hell of a time trying to play it. It's the first time I've tried to play a FPS on my computer for a long time, and I realized that I hadn't inverted the y-axis. After fumbling through a rather archaic menu system I got it changed and it just felt right. Now why do I need to do that? I do it for every game that it could matter: FPS, TPS, action games with a controllable camera. Why should pushing/mousing up mean go down to me? Where did I get this? Does anyone else do this? They must because it's an option in every game I've played. Do you invert?

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i don't know how people can play games that aren't inverted on the y-axis.  Basic physics - think flight controls.  Pull back on the stick to go up.  Push forward to dive.  Makes all the sense in the world.

Even pushing forward on a regular joystick to move forward is like heading down - it's as if you are falling farther into the world.  

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?

I do (but it depends on the type of game)

I always invert first person perspective games (both).

I never invert 3rd person/over the top view games (both).

It drives my Girlfriend crazy. She thinks my brain is just wired wrong :)

I do as well, like said before depends on game, though, some games I wish it was both.

Case and point ME2, I like having it inverted when I am running around looking at stuff, but when Im shooting I like it normal...

I'm weird, I know

Unicorns ARE real - They are just fat, grey and called Rhinos

DAMMIT, you gotta stop making awesome "Other" choices man!

OT: I gotta say I hate the inverted axises in games.

PSN ID: KingFate_

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Nope, it's just that I'm used to it.

Absolutely have to invert!

There is no Knowledge that is not Power

once you get used to it it's not so bad. It's actually surprisingly intuitive.

I have no idea how you can play inverted. It confuses the crap outta me. I mean yeah I can play with the inverts on but it takes me some time to get the hang of it but im still slower than normal even after that.

play for long enough and it's fine. I actually started playing games inverted and then drifted back to regular over time. The funny thing is that when you're used to one style and then you go to a friend's where it's backwards, you run around aiming straight up or straight down for a couple minutes.