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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mass Effect So Much potential for GOTY?

I heard it was 20h+ and that is way too short for RPG. Yeah lenght in RPGs really matter 10,20,30 hours is not enough even if its just the main quest. I am really dissapointed with the length of nexgen games. But still it has a chance to become GOTY it depends on the reviews for now SMG have the best chance.

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Everyone stop with the game length.

Cod 4 is only about 6 hours on easy or Medium.
After the training bit my mate mentioned that the game told him he would suit hard. He's currently 9 hours in on Act 2 (theres 3 in total. Plus an epilogue)

Reviewers play games on the easiest so they get the review done in time. And with RPG's they usually disregard all side quests. Even FF7 If you stick to the story can be done in 30 hours.

ckmlb said:
Mass Effect's dialogue is supposed to be its strongest quality, also the Witcher is in the 80s in scores, this isn't likely to go below 90%.

Even if the main quest is 10 hours, if it's great I'll be playing it many times over with different classes.

I'm pretty sure the game is 20-30 hours.

 Bioware have average writers and average writing, you only need to check Kotor's and Jade Empire's. Bioware hasn't been the same after Baldur's Gate 2.

 And as for The Witcher, it had no hype whatsoever, from an unknown polish developer, and still had a fair amount of great score: 9/10 Joystick, PC Jeux 90%, X6 6/6 are some that I can think of (which by the way, are not present in The game's negative points were just that the combat was a bit clunky and the graphics do not push PC standards (but it's graphics are still better than most PS3/360), but that's mostly because reviewers are harsher at PC games.

 NWN 2: Mask of the Betraye was developed by Obsidian, which has already been confirmed as a better RPG developer than Bioware: Kotor 2(Obsidian) was, bugs aside, superior to Kotor 1(Bioware) in every way; NWN2 (Obsidian) is vastly superior to NWN1 (Bioware)

Stop knocking it. Mass Effect may not end up game of the year, but reports are overwhelmingly positive. Its graphics are obviously fantastic, its story, gameplay and scope look very impressive, and most reports put the game between 20 and 40 hours. It is unlikely to be anything less than RPG of the year, and if it werent for SMG and Bioshock it would undoubtedly take out the overall title.

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selnor said:

Reviewers play games on the easiest so they get the review done in time. And with RPG's they usually disregard all side quests. Even FF7 If you stick to the story can be done in 30 hours.

 I beat it on Veteran mode on my first playthrough and it took me less than 30 hours, a lot of that time was spent on the less than enthalling planet crawling for surveying minerals and artifacts because I insisted on beating every questline I found no matter how crappy the reward.

My second playthrough on easy and skipping the bits of dialogue that I heard the first time I finished in just about 9 hours. That time I avoided most (but not all) of the off-world fetch quests, but still did the side quests on the main planets you visist.

It's not a hard game really. Loot scales to your level, so the further you make the more powerful the upgrades you get, and you auto-loot any enemy you kill as well, so you never have to worry about missing anything off them. You max out a weapons branch and apply the right upgrades you can mostly kill anything in your way.

I liked it, but I liked Knights of the Old Republic a hellva lot better. Thought it had more interesting characters, and felt like there was a lot more fun stuff to do. One of the planets in the main story line on Mass Effect is basically just a straight out shoot from start to finish mission. No sub quests, and you can’t revisit it when you finish.

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You played the game how? It's not out.

selnor said:
You played the game how? It's not out.

Thank my Local K-Mart.

If you want more proof you can compare achievements with me at It won't list what they are yet since 
it's not out yet, but if click more games for the total lists compare it will save I have 605 points and 26 out of 45 

Lucky bugger!

Everyone knows it's story spans 3 games though right? Whereas most single story games like FF are in one game.

I have a feeling it will be a great idea, but flawed for a first game in the series.


Galaxy is gonna take it, I'm telling ya. 

It doesn't matter if there's multiple episodes in the future, THIS GAME is short. I don't count episodes 1 and 2 in Half life 2s length. The episodes have been years apart. Isn't heavenly sword only the first of a trilogy too? That doesn't change the fact that it's short.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.