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I did that and I have like 102 views. Well it said on the side my name tuggy (27) I am not sure what I am doing wrong :/

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Girl Gamer Elite said:
Don't worry Lolita, your pictures should be fine, don't let the prudes beat you down (and send them to someone other than Montana).

 Too late har har har!!!



She said she didn't.


Hmmmm. I wonder if pics of my wife would increase my profile hit popularity...

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

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I could post that I have a picture of the coolest member of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in my profile and get profile views for that matter. 

Not that I'm comparing your wife to a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, but saying you have a picture of anything will likely get you views.

I am now number 10 on the list, which is proof that this is a poor ranking of "popularity".



^^ Curses. I'll get you next time thetonestarr! I'll get you next time!

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

Heheh. I ran a continuous page refresher on it specifically to throw off this thread. I think it's been almost entirely just my refreshing that's generated pageviews 800-current.

I just wanted to prove that point. I also think that the two others with ridiculously few posts in the top 10 for pageviews (supermario128 and kirby007) did the same thing, or something similar. Why they'd actually want so many pageviews (since they really DO mean diddly squat), I don't know.



I'm going to turn it off when I get over 9000.


thetonestarr said:

Heheh. I ran a continuous page refresher on it specifically to throw off this thread. I think it's been almost entirely just my refreshing that's generated pageviews 800-current.

I just wanted to prove that point. I also think that the two others with ridiculously few posts in the top 10 for pageviews (supermario128 and kirby007) did the same thing, or something similar. Why they'd actually want so many pageviews (since they really DO mean diddly squat), I don't know.



I'm going to turn it off when I get over 9000.

When a Picard facepalm just isn't strong enough....

Warning:  Mature language may be present in this post.