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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How Nintendo should handle pricing of the Wii

If they have a Wii Fit pack in, it needs to be a separate SKU. Not everyone who wants a Wii wants Wii Fit, and those who do will feel ripped off in the same way that people felt ripped off when Valve included HL2 and Episode 1 in The Orange Box. They'll feel like they could be getting just a Wii without Wii Fit for cheaper.

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Personally I don't think Wii Fit should be bundled with the Wii. That wouldn't be smart economically for Nintendo. They know Wii Fit is going to sale, because they already used Wii Sports to not only make gamers love that kidna game, but really enhance the Wii *insert name of game* type series. Notice how Wii Play sold so huge in America because of that and really in Japan and Europe as well.

Wii Sports is just like Super Mario Bros was with NES. Package a console with a game and as long as the game is good and the console sales well you'll turn that series into something collosal. Just like when you see a system launch and there's always one game that stands out above the rest. Halo fits into that category.

Meaning Wii Fit is going to release and even with a higher price of probably $60 it is still going to sell beastly. Just cause of the brandname that Wii Sports built in.

Wii Sports is going to be bundled with Wii for awhile, and in America possibly forever. Now they should not drop the price of the Wii at all, for awhile. EXCEPT I think in Japan in Spring of 2008, after enough time after Wii Fit has released, they should look into dropping the price. It's the only market that has shown any sign of weakness for Wii and thus should give some more incentive. Possibly think about bundling that new thing with a game or something. Strike a deal with a big company over there to put a game with it or one of their own.

In Holidays 2008 is when Nintendo should drop the price of the Wii in the rest of the world, and most likely still keep the Wii Sports bundled with it. It's become something that just should be in there market wise and huge selling point of the Wii. The pricedrop should be down to $200 at most. Sony isn't going to drop the price down of the PS3 lower than $400. Nor Will MS really drop their MAIN SKU below $300 by then so they'll still have a significant price advantage.

Anything that Nintendo does, Wii will still win the console war.

November 18th, 2008: Nintendo starts to give away wii's for free.

I remember during the NES days when Nintendo had two different pack-ins (they actually had more). One of my family's bought the Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt/ Power Pad NES and my other family bought the Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt NES. The NES that came with all three games was the ultimate system in those days.

I hope Nintendo does a Wii Sports/Wii Fit pack for $250 and colored/DVD enabled Wiis with Wii Sports for $250 in 2008. I want many copies of Wii Fit to sell so developers start including it as a control option in upcoming games that may take advantage of the Balance Board.

currently playing: Desktop Tower Defense (PC), Puzzle Quest (DS), Trauma Center New Blood (Wii), Guitar Hero III (Wii), Ghost Squad (Wii), Actraiser (SNES), Donkey Kong County (SNES), The Legend of Zelda (NES), Kirby's Adventure (NES)

will play next: Paper Mario (N64), Golden Axe II (Sega), NiGHTS (Wii)


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Right now, they need to sharply increase supply as demand is higher than ever. If WiiFit is ever bundled with the console, it will be expensive ($300). And Satoru Iwata himself said that while they don't aim at releasing WiiSports 2, they are going for new IPs/ideas.

well, i do think that wii fit must be bundled, because if it isn't, it would be another add-on, and if they want developers to make good games for it, they have to sell as many wiifit as wii.

Game_boy said:
stof said:
Here's how I think Nintendo should handle their pricing.

Jack the price of a Wii up 50 bucks and laugh maniacally.

Then begin to unbundle things until it's just a blank white box: stand £10, Wii Sports £50, cables £20, manual £5, stick-on Wii logo £5, Gamecube ports £10 each and remove the flash memory dorcing people to buy Nintendo-approved SD cards at £20 each.

Then announce a "Premium" model with everything except Wii Sports at £500 and an "Elite" with Wii Sports and a black finish at £1,250.

No such thing as bad publicity, eh?


Mocking the constant reorganisation of Xbox 360 and PS3 SKUs...

Thanks for pointing out what you are making fun of Anyways, good analogy!

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)

ismael said:
well, i do think that wii fit must be bundled, because if it isn't, it would be another add-on, and if they want developers to make good games for it, they have to sell as many wiifit as wii.

I don't expect, and I don't think Nintendo expects, a cornicopia of third-party balance board games.  It's like the Zapper, it's a peripheral that developers can support if it makes sense for their games.  I don't think the balance board opens up as many opportunities as the Wii Remote.

Entroper said:
ismael said:
well, i do think that wii fit must be bundled, because if it isn't, it would be another add-on, and if they want developers to make good games for it, they have to sell as many wiifit as wii.

I don't expect, and I don't think Nintendo expects, a cornicopia of third-party balance board games. It's like the Zapper, it's a peripheral that developers can support if it makes sense for their games. I don't think the balance board opens up as many opportunities as the Wii Remote.

 So, it is a pity, because if i buy the wii fit it isn't because of the game which is bundled with it, it is because of the posibilities that it has.