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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How Nintendo should handle pricing of the Wii

This is how I think Nintendo should handle Wii pricing:

spring 2008: Wii Fit Launches, if Nintedo is smart, it will retail for $30-50. Nintedo bundles in Wii Fit to all new Wiis, price, wii sports ect stay in, price stays at $250

Fall 2008: Wii sports 2 Launches, reatils for $20 game only,  $50 game w/ remote. Wii Sports 1,2 Wii fit, and Wii with nunchuk included with Wii, all for $250. Red, Gold, Silver, Pink, Blue, Black Wii's intorduced. Gold Silver and Blue are for a limited time only. 

Summer 2009: Wii Play is added to the bundle. 2 wii remotes and 2 nunchukcs are included now instead of 1. Wii posts/wii fit ect are still included. Price still at $250

 Summer 2010: $100 price cut. Wii Now $150

Spring 2011: $50 Price cut. Wii now $100


Fall 2011: Nintendo's next console launches. IMO they should relase:

WiiTwo Comes with 1 state of the art 1:1 remote, 1 attachemnt (nunchuck thing again may be?) comes in whtie, coomes with Wii Love ______ (sports?) and reatils for $200. Launch games look margianlly better than the best PS3 games. 



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"spring 2008: Wii Fit Launches, if Nintedo is smart, it will retail for $30-50. Nintedo bundles in Wii Fit to all new Wiis, price, wii sports ect stay in, price stays at $250

Fall 2008: Wii sports 2 Launches, reatils for $20 game only, $50 game w/ remote. Wii Sports 1,2 Wii fit, and Wii with nunchuk included with Wii, all for $250. Red, Gold, Silver, Pink, Blue, Black Wii's intorduced. Gold Silver and Blue are for a limited time only. "

I don't think they will have to drop the price that fast. I also don't think WiiFit will sell for $30 with the balance board controller. It shouldn't. It's been estimated tgo sell at $60, which I feel is appropriate. I do not think Wii Fit should ever be bundled with the Wii. Or if it is, it should not be until Christmas '08. But I think a better bundle would be Wii, U R MR GAY, Wii Sports for Christmas '08 at $200 (if they need to drop the price by then, which is not clear yet). But don't expect the price to drop at all untill you start seeing Wii's on the shelf at every retailer. That's not happening soon, retailers NEED the shelf space to set their PS3 on.

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709

So you're basically saying that by 2011, a Wii should contain the following:

1. Console

2.Sensor Bar

3. Power brick + Cables

4. Wii Remote (x2)

5. Wii Nunchuck (x2)

6. Wii Balance Board

7. Wii Sports

8. Wii Sports 2

9. Wii Play

10. Wii Fit


...For $100 dollars. As great of a deal as this is, I don't think Nintendo's in the business of losing money. I don't see how any sort of profit can be made from this. Plus the box would have to be twice the size to fit the Balance Board in it. Plus Nintendo already stated they will not be making a Wii Sports 2 recently.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

andrewpeirce said:

This is how I think Nintendo should handle Wii pricing:

spring 2008: Wii Fit Launches, if Nintedo is smart, it will retail for $30-50. Nintedo bundles in Wii Fit to all new Wiis, price, wii sports ect stay in, price stays at $250

Fall 2008: Wii sports 2 Launches, reatils for $20 game only, $50 game w/ remote. Wii Sports 1,2 Wii fit, and Wii with nunchuk included with Wii, all for $250. Red, Gold, Silver, Pink, Blue, Black Wii's intorduced. Gold Silver and Blue are for a limited time only.

Summer 2009: Wii Play is added to the bundle. 2 wii remotes and 2 nunchukcs are included now instead of 1. Wii posts/wii fit ect are still included. Price still at $250

Summer 2010: $100 price cut. Wii Now $150

Spring 2011: $50 Price cut. Wii now $100

Fall 2011: Nintendo's next console launches. IMO they should relase:

WiiTwo Comes with 1 state of the art 1:1 remote, 1 attachemnt (nunchuck thing again may be?) comes in whtie, coomes with Wii Love ______ (sports?) and reatils for $200. Launch games look margianlly better than the best PS3 games.

Actually... if they're smart just when demand starts wavering they'll launch colors at the same price with DVD playback. Keep Wii fit at 60$ it will sell just fine there as it's a game with equipment not merely a game(PS3/360) They'll drop the price when the demand starts to drop once again there's no time frame. I highly doubt you'll see THAT many pack ins on the Wii and if you do it'll be 300$ so don't expect it. At best expect -if-(of which there are no plans too) they release Wii sports 2 anytime soon, it will replace Wii sports as a pack in. Or it will be a pack in with a remote or some shell used within that game. You're expecting 3 games the system in colors AND the hardware for wii fit for 250$? Are you insane? Wii fit isn't launching till 2008 and Nintendo doesn't lose money on hardware EVER expect this maybe at the end of it's life but not in 2008 lol Expect Wii fit around 60$ expect Wii around 250$ till colors have dropped and demand still slowly falls. Don't expect wii to fall very fast, a 100$ price cut on a 250$ system is kind of stupid unless the systems dieing, which clearly the Wii is not.

it's not a bad idea, but i think it will work until fall 2008, but in summer 2009, the price must be 200 without the second wiimote and nunchak, or even cheaper, because the ps3 would have reached the 250 price and it mustn't be good, although the ps3 is not in the same market of the wii.

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Here's how I think Nintendo should handle their pricing.

Jack the price of a Wii up 50 bucks and laugh maniacally.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

ismael said:
it's not a bad idea, but i thing it will work until fall 2008, but in summer 2009, the price must be 200 without the second wiimote and nunchak, or even cheaper, because the ps3 would have reached the 250 price and it mustn't be good, althought the ps3 is not in the same market of the wii.

The thing is you really can't compare it at the moment, each system drops when it needs too. When demand drops prices drop, these companies don't drop the instant they can unless they have to believe me they want money. If they can get money AND sales they will and they'll do it for as long as they can. If the PS3 was selling as expected at 600$ and 500$ you'd never see a 400$ model you'd never have seen new models to make them cheaper etc. Sony would have milked them as long as possible at 600$. Chances are Sony is taking a bigger initial hit at the 400$ and 500$ price drops I see no significant cost reductions in either blu ray diodes or in the system itself.(I do see some. removal of the PS2 hardware dropped production a bit) There have been reductions in the PS3 hardware itself but nothing to warrant a price drop like has happened. It seems to be a Blu ray & PS3 push trying to get them into homes. Wii really doesn't need this and expect to see colors released as an effort to milk the 250$ price as long as possible before a price drop occurs. It's just like PS2 and GCN the stronger system doesn't always have to be more. The GCN is theoretically a better system in every way from processing power to graphics(almost double the power give or take in processing). It was cheaper then the PS2 and is cheaper then the PS2 to this day as far as I've seen. If what you said had any bearing on it.. the GCN being 150$(and newer!) while the PS2 was 199.99(and older!) the GCN would have crushed the PS2 but it didn't.. Just keep this in mind. Undoubtedly price cuts will help the PS3 but at what cost and how much will it help?

its pretty pointless trying to predict this sort of thing, I doubt nintendo has any concrete plans for price changes. They will only take action in that sense when sales start to drop, which is totally unpredictable.


One step I think they should take is to put out a platinum and a better budget range, depending on where you are globally some games are cheaper, but i think certain games should be £19.99 (low budget and old ports) and a platinum section for stull like koroinpa, rabbids 1, red steel and so on. 

The one area that the wii is lacking is the software sales and a shake up would do it good. Thres too many full priced rubbish games out there. 

stof said:
Here's how I think Nintendo should handle their pricing.

Jack the price of a Wii up 50 bucks and laugh maniacally.


stof said:
Here's how I think Nintendo should handle their pricing.

Jack the price of a Wii up 50 bucks and laugh maniacally.
