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Forums - Gaming Discussion - DICE Comments on MW2 DLC tweet

Haha. That is pretty good. Looks like he responded to


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wow..just wow... thats awesome.

"Tell me why does it have to be so hard

to let go when it?s your final day

...When death is on it's way"

Isn't the BF:BC2 DLC just a code to unlock content already on the disc? At least when Gears 2 did something like this they actually gave you maps to download that weren't on the disc. I like BF:BC2 (I like Battlefield period), but they aren't going to make a dent in MW2. Just about everybody I show it to prefers MW2 by a mile. People might say these are noobs, but there are far more noobs out there than pros.

No, the gamers I know in real life aren't stupid or petty like the idiots I run into online. They don't make up shit, I read it here

Is there any other Day 1 VIP DLC that I haven't heard about?

PearlJam said:
Isn't the BF:BC2 DLC just a code to unlock content already on the disc? At least when Gears 2 did something like this they actually gave you maps to download that weren't on the disc. I like BF:BC2 (I like Battlefield period), but they aren't going to make a dent in MW2. Just about everybody I show it to prefers MW2 by a mile. People might say these are noobs, but there are far more noobs out there than pros.

DLC's are addition content you download to your harddrive through Xbox Live/PSN and you run it with the disc. It's not on the disc. It's the same as saying that content is already on the disc for the PC version when you are obviously downloading it from the internet and putting in on your PC hard drive and storing it in the game files. Anyways, it's EA's way of protecting themselves from used games and I look forward to my MW2 DLC.

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No GenoZStriker, you are wrong. What you described is what DLC is supposed to be. What I'm talking about is some lame shit that Namco did with SoulCalibur IV, and that Capcom also did with Street Fighter IV. There could be other games, but these are the one I remember.

They basically put content on the disc and they "lock it". They then make you purchase "DLC" keys that unlock the content that is already on the disc you paid for. That's what they are doing with BF:BC2, but you can get it free if you buy it new. That's not as bad as what Capcom and Namco did because there was no way to get that stuff for free, but it's still lame.

PearlJam said:
No GenoZStriker, you are wrong. What you described is what DLC is supposed to be. What I'm talking about is some lame shit that Namco did with SoulCalibur IV, and that Capcom also did with Street Fighter IV. There could be other games, but these are the one I remember.

They basically put content on the disc and they "lock it". They then make you purchase "DLC" keys that unlock the content that is already on the disc you paid for. That's what they are doing with BF:BC2, but you can get it free if you buy it new. That's not as bad as what Capcom and Namco did because there was no way to get that stuff for free, but it's still lame.

Soul Caliber 4 sucked.... Anyways.. Im sure its on the disc and since its EA there going to charge you 800 ms points for it. 

haha owned, that was funny as hell

What's the significance of this? It seems to me it's just something to stifle used game sales. I wouldn't really call this DLC. It's simply a security measure. I'm sure this is exactly like what EA did with Madden 10. They took features you would expect inside the game, and removed them to give codes out to new buyers and charge everyone else $10. Woo hoo! That'll sure show those Infinity Ward punks who's boss! They weren't awesome enough to remove four maps and use them as tools to rid used game sales of Modern Warfare 2.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

KylieDog said:
PearlJam said:
No, the gamers I know in real life aren't stupid or petty like the idiots I run into online. They don't make up shit, I read it here

Is there any other Day 1 VIP DLC that I haven't heard about?


Typical kotaku spin.  Not on disc.

Not a spin, it's confirmed. This isn't something new.