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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Medal Of Honor Heroes 2 Persona Thread

Hey i was wondering if anyone has MoHH2 here. If anyone has it my EA Persona is: explosive, so add me so we can have some online fun :D

Around the Network

You added me, didn't you? I accepted a friend request just a little bit ago... I'm pretty sure it was you.

This will be the next game I buy but there are quite a few titles on Wii I'd love to try.

Mine is:


Yup takeru i added you :P

The game is just sooo awesome :D :D :D

Around the Network

Mine is:  Kenology

Sent friend requests to explosive, takeru51, and Zucas.

Mine is RingOfPower (yes, I am a lord of the rings fan...)

I'll send everyone a friend request

Mine is InfernoTrell... Message me if you add me

~Now Playing~
PC: Max Payne 3, World of Warcraft

X360: MW3, Skyrim

PS2: Persona 4

Last Purchase(s): Max Payne 3, WoW Game Time Next Purchase(s): None at the moment... 

Gamertag: InfernoTrell

Mine is AndyB (Take a guess what my real name is!)
I'm gonna add everyone right now...

"Your grasp of the obvious is inspiring." - Commander Shepard
"I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite store on the Citadel." Commander Shepard
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"Nothing can make it moral to destroy the best. One can't be punished for being good. One can't be penalized for ability. If that is right, then we'd better start slaughtering one another, because there isn't any right at all in the world." - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

No numbers for that game?  It looks like EA is doing something right with this game...