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Forums - PC Discussion - Crysis Impressions/Review

Do you find real life more boring now that you're used to the graphics in Crysis? I was walking over a bridge the other day, and couldn't help being annoyed by how shitty the textures on the water looked. Like a friggin' N64 game, I tell ya! >_

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I know what you mean. Its raining here but the effects are rubbish!

Parokki said:
Do you find real life more boring now that you're used to the graphics in Crysis? I was walking over a bridge the other day, and couldn't help being annoyed by how shitty the textures on the water looked. Like a friggin' N64 game, I tell ya! >_<

Haha, yeah.....I have been playing in the editor lately and specifically messing with my favorite of favorites =P





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