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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Official October NPD thread (data should be out momentarily)

rocketpig said:

Because ioi doesn't think they're right. There's nothing more to it than that.

This site is far more credible than any other because people know where this figures come from. NPD is a big profesional tracking institution and they are always right in such situations. With all respect to every single member of the crew and especially to ioi but you just can't pretend as you are right.

Vgchartz numbers were very close generally. Why destroy it all by keeping some wrong figures? Even if ioi is right and NPD undertracked MS on purpose (what I really doubt because they are paid by MS after all) for site's sake he should adjust the numbers. Not a big deal.

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Tetsuo Shima said:
rocketpig said:

Because ioi doesn't think they're right. There's nothing more to it than that.

This site is far more credible than any other because people know where this figures come from. NPD is a big profesional tracking institution and they are always right in such situations. With all respect to every single member of the crew and especially to ioi but you just can't pretend as you are right.

Vgchartz numbers were very close generally. Why destroy it all by keeping some wrong figures? Even if ioi is right and NPD undertracked MS on purpose (what I really doubt because they are paid by MS after all) for site's sake he should adjust the numbers. Not a big deal.

Except when Microsofts quartly shipments came off... they were wrong.  Way wrong... and VGchartz was closer to right before they adjusted for NPD. 

Why would you adjust for NPD for 360 and DS when NPD steered you wrong the last time you used them to adjust 360 and DS?

It's likely NPD's tracking math is off, but they arn't going to screw with it until after X-mas because X-mas is the most important time of year, and when changeing your math you can make it better, or worse... you don't know until you get more data.  They can't afford to correct their math on the DS or 360 to be more correct until after next year.  Ioi is betting that right now his statistical formula is better then theirs... since it did perform better the last time for DS and 360.

Or atleast that's what i think he's saying.

Kasz216 said:

Why would you adjust for NPD for 360 and DS when NPD steered you wrong the last time you used them to adjust 360 and DS?

I've already answered your question - for site's sake. NPD has a right to be wrong.

Tetsuo Shima said:
Kasz216 said:

Why would you adjust for NPD for 360 and DS when NPD steered you wrong the last time you used them to adjust 360 and DS?

I've already answered your question - for site's sake. NPD has a right to be wrong.

So... your arguement is... even if they're wrong, and Ioi is right... according to the quartley released data NPD is right? 

That's basically what your saying...

Riiiight.  It's logic like that, that creates fanboys.

FishyJoe said:
PS3Blog has summarized the PS3 results better than I ever could.

I shouldn't have clicked that link. It's past 2AM and I'm laughing my ass off.


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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rocketpig said:
OriGin said:
I don't see what the problem is with adjusting numbers to what NPD release publically...

Because ioi doesn't think they're right. There's nothing more to it than that.

That doesn't fly with me... but oh well i don't run this website. 


Because you've always adjusted in the past, and this site has copped a lot of flak in comments from NPD and from other websites...

It seems to me that apart form the - few - people who visit here regularly and understand what you are trying to do this site is seen overall as a joke.

Saying 'we think our data is better than NPDs' just doesn't sit right with myself - I'm a long time supporter of this site, and I don't believe there is any illegality with using NPD's public numbers - it's the same as the many people on GAF who track NPD numbers only each month.

I understand what you are trying to do, but I still think that NPD should be used as a benchmark for accuracy... 200k is TOO MUCH. I know you don't want to look like you're 'copying' NPD's numbers but its the best way to get closest to the industry accepted number.

NPD does do all of those things and multiplications etc etc but their data source is much better and like I said before, the major companies WOULD NOT subscribe to them unless there is some parity with their own internally tracked numbers.

That's just my 2c I know you're not going to change anything because I don't like the way you're doing it just 'out of the blue' this month (after the whole NPD isn't going to disclose data shenanigans).

You're comment "what is so special this month?" - Come on, can you seriously believe that?

superchunk said:
Nice. Go vgchartz, the premier place for Video Games sales tracking on the web.

Why do people think that because you are paying for it, it must be better? That's just stupid. I think vgchartz is just as reliable as anything NPD puts out, and its free.

I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment.

Who says NPD is the holy grail? The Alpha and the Omega? The fact ioi & friends get numbers like this with a much smaller set of info sources means that pound for pound this site is actually better.

It would put a big smile on my face to see VGChartz's figures be quoted in press rather than NPD's.

I'm pulling for this place to become the premier destination for international videogame sales. And with every step I hope the place gets more and more support to refine their processes and expand their reach. VGChartz in different languages read by Asia, Europe, South America, North America, Africa, Australia and even Anarctica.

I see big things for this place within 10 years and am rooting for this underdog to become top dog one day. You should all do the same.

John Lucas 

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot



ioi said:
-These do not include Canada sales
-Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron is a pack in
-DS hardware is intentionally 10% or so higher
-Guitar Hero III on 360 presumably has a stand alone version as well, so not as different as it first looks.

I believe NPD have been undertracking Xbox360 for the last few months so I'm pretty happy with the comparisons - we are intentionally tracking higher than NPD on 360.

Note - I WILL NOT be making any major alterations to our figures in light of NPDs information. Most software is actually almost identical and it is 360 software we disagree most on.

 Can we see VG US only numbers (excluding Canada)? That may help with some of the misunderstandings.


If NPD has been undertracking 360 for the past 3 months then VG has been seriously undertracking it since in July August and September VG was 10% to 15% below NPD for 360 ... 

360 numbers for:

July -  VG 136K vs. NPD 183K -

August -  VG 271K vs NPD 303K -

September -  VG 521K vs. NPD 579K -

So is the "overtracking" by VG in October an effort to make up for the Undertracking by VG in July - September? If so it sould seem to be a better methodology to adjust historical data rather than pad current #'s. 

ioi - "I have always endorsed NPD and have always conceded that their figures are obviously far more accurate than ours ..." - Posted on: 06/14/07, 22:22

whatever said:
The other place where NPD makes ALOT more sense is in the GHIII sales. I was shocked at how high 360 and how low PS2 sales were.

It just makes sense that the PS2 sales are >= 360 sales.

 Actually, this is an indication that vgchartz could be more accurate. GH2 first-week sales were much higher for 360 than PS2.