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Forums - General Discussion - What do you live for?

What makes you get up every day? Is it...


...a significant other?

...scholastic performance? aspirations?

...fame/social status? status?

...making others happy?

...making yourself happy?

...or something else?

Keep in mind that "nothing" is not a legitimate answer, by simple virtue of the fact that you're still living. :)

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killeryoshis said:
Spamming the VGchartz forums

I couldn't expect anything else

in reality I dont really live FOR anything, Im just enjoying life to the fullest and trying to be a good person

O-D-C said:
in reality I dont really live FOR anything, Im just enjoying life to the fullest and trying to be a good person


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well, I don't know how to be any other way. I've been alive pretty much since the day I was born.

But seriously, I just want to see what's out there and go explore and have fun and all that. With or without someone by my side. The whole world's a playground, right? :B

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.

I live for my family, because I know they'd be sad if I died. I live for my dog, because I love my dog;  he's the best dog in the world (and better than quite a few people I've met). I live for my girlfriend, because I love her, and she told me not to die. And I live because I'm a space geek, and I hope that I'll get the chance to actually go to space someday (which explains my major).

I live for my family and for Jesus.


What O-D-C said.

Quem disse que a boca é tua?

Qual é, Dadinho...?

Dadinho é o caralho! Meu nome agora é Zé Pequeno!