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Forums - General Discussion - Rate the avatar above you

the WTF just ruined how the avatar looked, 2/10

Around the Network

6/10 you've improved...

current state:


this one is certainly better 7/10

7/10 we need new people

Sometimes I just feel like,
Quittin', I still might,
Why do I put up this fight,
Why do I still write 

u r right bout that

Around the Network


current state:


same thing i'll pass


Sometimes I just feel like,
Quittin', I still might,
Why do I put up this fight,
Why do I still write 

best if to say pass if you have ever rated the same avi before

Pretty cool, 8/10.

"And yet, I've realized that maybe living a "decent" life means you won't ever have a "good" life."