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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Dark Souls 3 will run at 60 fps on PC

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That's certainly a huge improvement over the terrible Dark Souls 1 port and the mediocre Dark Souls 2 one.

praise the sun. Playing Dark Souls 1 (With dsfix) @ 60fps is a HUGE improvement over the 30 fps. Makes the game much better. DS2 SOTFS was excellent as well due to its 60 fps. This makes me really happy.


BasilZero said:

Dark Souls 2 was already 60 FPS o.O


Really? Didn't Durante had to made some modding tweaks to fix some technical issues?

Dark Souls 2 was absolutely sublime on PC. Definitive version by a mile so i'll likely pick this up on PC as well.

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Praise the sun in 60 FPS like sun shiny.

Yeah, hopefully it's true.

Good news as always but I do find it a bit sad that such information has to be confirmed for the platform, especially since it's been the standard for years, At least they aren't going ham on marketing the 60fps for the PC version the way Ubisoft and EA are going silly for their marketing ploys.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Even if DKS3 wouldn't run at 60fps there would have been a dsfix the day after x'D