Jason Rubin (director of Crash Bandicoot, Jak & Daxter) and president of Oculus Worldwide Studios teased the exclusive on Twitter:
Looking forward to another big @Oculus Studios exclusive partnership and game announcement tomorrow!
— Jason Rubin (@Jason_Rubin) December 15, 2015
Is there a game that comes to mind that could be a fitting exclusive for Oculus that would make VR relevant to you, if it already isn't?
Game is The Climb from Crytec:
Launch title for Oculus:
"It's a game about scaling up a mountain from a first-person point of view. The gameplay is deceptively simple: holding down the left or right triggers causes your in-game avatar to grab any viewable, in-distance ledge with their left or right hand. You "aim" at new ledges simply by looking, craning your neck, shifting your body weight when necessary. If the nearest ledge is too far to reach, you can attempt to jump for it, but you'll need to look well above where the ledge is actually located.
Crytek has The Climb running at a continuous 90 frames per second and a resolution of 2160 by 1200. These are far more taxing demands than the average triple-A game of 2016, and yet it also still manages to look gorgeous."
Teaser trailer:
Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because: