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Forums - Sony Discussion - BraLoD catching up with the classics: Final Fantasy 9

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FF9 FF is best FF. Next to 12,

but my favorite classical JRPG has to be Legend of Dragoon. Definitely beats the FFs - at least in its story and gameplay.

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And it's gonna get better and better.

And you finally met Vivi :)

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Hey! I'm currently playing FFIX as well :D

I'm now on Disc 3 doing some chocobo sidequests.

Vivi takes FF9 from very good to special.

Glad you're enjoying the game. FFIX is one of the finest JRPG games that you'l ever experience. For me, Disc 1/2/Beginning of 3 was fantastic. It started to slow down afterwards in Disc 3 but it still was interesting and the ending is absolutely fantastic.

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BraLoD said:
EpicLight said:

FF9 FF is best FF. Next to 12,

but my favorite classical JRPG has to be Legend of Dragoon. Definitely beats the FFs - at least in its story and gameplay.

Well, I still have to play 9, but right now it's feeling really good.

Seems like we have a very similar taste though

LoD is my favorite game ever, FF 12 my favorite FF until now.

I agree! The biggest thing that seperates the "high and mighty" FF7+8 and 9 is its protagonist. Zidane and the whole party of 12 trumps everything that Squall and Cloud could be, although I do enjoy the setting the characters were in. I just couldn't settle with the dull personalities. 

All these RPG's are good in their own right.

Have you played Legend of Legaiia??

BraLoD said:
pokoko said:
Vivi takes FF9 from very good to special.

It seems to be a nice char. He's shy, and I love shy things!

I think Vivi is the prime essence of character development. :)

BraLoD said:
EpicLight said:

I think Vivi is the prime essence of character development. :)

Nice, hope it can grow to be one char I'll like a lot XD

Yup! And don't worry. He won't be like "..." for long, haha!!

Best ff ever made

BraLoD said:
Aura7541 said:

Hey! I'm currently playing FFIX as well :D

I'm now on Disc 3 doing some chocobo sidequests.

It's also you first time playing it?

It's my second playthrough.