It has come to light that Hexadrive, who developed the role playing, Square Enix-published shooter The 3rd Birthday for Playstation Portable, also had a hand in developing The Wind Waker HD for Nintendo’s Wii U. Hexadrive reportedly helped change textures in the game to high resolution. The do-it-all company has been seeing a lot of work lately, as they were also responsible for “programming optimization” on The Wonderful 101.
Much has been said about the new HD graphics Hexadrive worked on for the Wii U update of Wind Waker. Comparison videos between the new HD version of the game and the GameCube classic have been popping up again and again on Youtube, as many reviewers have called the Wii U remake the “definitive version.” While the title was released in the Wii U eShop on September 20th, the coveted physical copy of the game will be arriving on October 4th.
They are a very capable studio, Okami HD is considered one of/the best HD-remake around and the patched Zone of the Enders 2 runs better than on the original Playstation 2 (after the atrocity that High Voltage Soft. shat out)
....on an unrelated note: Do you rember that we had a japanese dev. in the forum (forgot her name) who had a huge meltdown and told us to look out for her name in the credits ? Guess she worked (works?) for Hexadrive !