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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which one should I get: PS3 or XBOX360?!


Which one should I get, based by the best library of games?

PS3 377 68.17%
Xbox360 108 19.53%
What?! Yer tired of Wii?! 17 3.07%
Meh... 13 2.35%
Resulz!!! 38 6.87%

Simple enough question; which one of the PS3 and the Xbox360 should I get? At the moment I have a Wii and a sucky PC, so I ain't buying any PC games unless it's strategy (like Civilization and the likes) - but I can't help to think "Is this it? Is this all the gaming I'm gonna get untill the Wii U releases?!" I refuse to believe that the Wii has everything I need! I need to seek entertainment outside the wonderful world of Nintendo...

I'm NOT interested in graphics and/or processing powers n' stuff like that. I want the games, games that's pure awesome. And I won't be playing CoD, Halo or any other FPS! Which console has the best library of games? Mostly I like Action and Adventure and RPG, and to an extent Platforming.

As it is right now I don't know if I want the PS3 or the Xbox360! I've played Fable 2 nearly to the end - and really enjoyed it - but I've also played Uncharted 2, if only for 30 minutes - but I thouroughly enjoyed that as well!

Sooo, the question I want answered is: which one of the HD twins as the best library of Action/Adventure/RPG games?! I appreciate all the help I can get :)

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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Oh! And this is my first thread here on VGC! :D So, please go easy o me ;)

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

If you don't know what console or even game(s) you want to get I'd say you probably shouldn't buy any of them and just wait for the Wii U to release. Your PC cover up most games anyway.

I suppose the ps3 in my opinion it has better exclusives, but that's subjective to everyone's opinion so ya.


For Action/Adventure/RPG I think the PS3 is the best choice... there are more options for these genre like Uncharted, Tales of Graces F, The Collections (Jak and Daxter, Team ICO, etc), Ratchet & Clank, inFAMOUS, etc.

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pezus said:
You mean all RPGs or just WRPGs/JRPGs?

Mostly Western... Never played a JPRG - but am thinking about getting Xeno chronicles... I have skyrim for PC - but it runs like a bitch, and I haven't bothered playing more than 5-10 minutes because my computer's a piece of shit...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.


If you don't know what console or even game(s) you want to get I'd say you probably shouldn't buy any of them and just wait for the Wii U to release. Your PC cover up most games anyway.

Thing is, I want the Uncharted-series AND the Fable-series - but I ain't picking up both consoles this late in the game - with the WiiU approaching and all.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

I'd say get a 360 if you were a online shooter kinda guy.

But since you're looking for Action/adventure/RPG, the choice is easy, get a playstation. For action/adventure you've all the multi-platforms, but what separates PS3 from 360 in this genre are exclusives, specifically The Uncharted and God of War series, both critically adored franchises. Personally I only get an RPG every now and then, it's not my favourite genre and many others on this site can tell you about that in more detail but from the little that I know, if you're more into western RPGs, 360 has a slight edge due to having the full Mass Effect series and the better port for Skyrim, however PS3 has it's fair share of WRPGs and is definitely the console you're looking for for JPRGs.

If you have the money, I'd say buy both as their both fantastic machines and you'll be missing out on something either way, but with respect to the type of games you're looking for, you'll be missing out significantly more if you get a 360, so get a PS3. Hope this helps :)

This is VGChartz, ps3 fans out number 360 fans 5:1. Ps3 will win in every one of these polls.

RolStoppable said:
The PS3.

It's an even clearer victory, if you haven't paid much attention to PlayStation before, because there's quite some PS1 classics on PSN that are worth looking into. Graphics and load times might be hard to bear at times though.

well, I had the first one - and really enjoyed it! hehe played soulblade till my fingers bleed almost ;)

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.