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Forums - General Discussion - MW3 fan threatened to blow up Best Buy, says they shouldn't have taken him seriously!

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Many of you are aware of the recent incident involving Call Of Duty MW3 fanboy 31 year old Lomon Sar going into his local Best Buy and threatening to blow it up. Lomon decided after a lot of negative media attention to set the record straight and explain how the situation occured.

Lomon says it all started when he called Best Buy from his cell phone while driving, he says that he didn't have time to call otherwise. When on the phone he authorized the full payment of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3's hardened edition. The Best Buy employee gave him a invoice number however he explained to the employee he was driving and couldn't write the number down. he asked the employee if their would be a problem if he did not have the invoice number he was re-assured by the employee their would be "no problems" picking up his copy of Modern WarFare 3.

So come the midnight launch Lomon rushed down to his local Colorado Best Buy eager to get his hands on his copy of MW3. He stood in line patiently waiting for his turn. Finally he got to the front and requested his copy of MW3. However without the invoice the employee couldn't get him his copy. The manager was called and they searched for Lomon's name on the pre-order list however they failed to locate it. The manager said that without the invoice or his name on the pre-order list he could not pick up his copy of Modern Warfare 3.

"I put my hands up to my head and I'm like, 'God, now I'm mad.' I said, 'I am so pissed right now I could blow this place up," Mr.Sar explains that  "It was a poor choice of words, yes. I wasn't going to blow it up." he added that "It's just something you say when you get mad, you know what I mean? But they're like empty threats" Of course we all know you can't just go around threatening to blow buildings up just because your pissed off, I mean its illegal. Well Sar doesn't seem to think so "You can't get in trouble for just saying you're gonna bomb a building."

The major problem facing Lomon is that threatening to blow a building up can actually get you in trouble. In fact it can get you in a shit load of trouble. A recant case in the UK taking place last year resident Paul Chamber tweeted "Robin Hood Airport is closed," hquickly followed be "You've got a week and a bit to get your sh*t together, otherwise I'm blowing the airport sky high!" The incident was reported to the Police immediately by air port staff.Chambers was arrested charged and convicted for "menacing" communication via a "public telecommunications system,"

Unfortunately for Lomon he could face serious criminal charges and jail time if he gets convicted and an ongoing investigation is deciding if and what he could be charged with.

P.S- He is also accused of saying he was going to wait for employees to leave their shift and gun them down. he however has denied saying that, so I have omitted that part from the thread. More information on the incident can be found here!

Another case of a Call Of Duty fan going way to far, where do you draw the line between fan and insane. We all know gamers go to great lengths to enjoy their favorite pass times but threatening to blow up Best Buy, robbing a van and fighting a man who has a loaded gun aimed at your head just aren't sane actions.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


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He's a Call of Duty fan, so something like this shouldn't be a surprise.




This is what happens to you when you play Call of Duty, I suggest a ban on this franchise starting now!!