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    L7: Hunter(10,079 until level 8)
    • A 123 year old male gamer
    • Norway
    • Joined on March 13th 2007, last online on 04 May 2021.
    • Profile Views: 34,182
    • Forum posts: 7,438 times which averages 1 posts per day
    • User Reviews: 0 reviews
    •   VG$ -2,419.27
    Banned (Expires: 9th Jul 10)
    Permaban - Trolling (Y'know what? I'm skipping strike two and calling it here, you're out. It's almost like you're too dense to understand what these bans were even for. I don't even care that the first thing you did after coming back was to yet again send me a hateful PM, but that you also jumped straight back into doing the thing you were banned for the last three times? It's clear temporary bans mean nothing to you, so here's a permanent reminder. This will be The Last of Us that you will hear, you're in Uncharted territory now, it's been "nice" knowing you mel, but in the words of NSYNC; bye bye bye. ) ~ Bristow9091 [9291894]
    You have liked 330 posts.
    You have 850 liked posts.
    Your most liked post has 11 likes.

    Badges: (view all)

    The High Flyer Earned 40 badges.
    14 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 14 years.
    Happy Birthday Logged in on your birthday.
    13 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 13 years.
    It's a Start Bank a Total of 2,000 VG$.
    Quite a Comeback Enter your first Prediction League event.
    A Civilized Man Managed to avoid being banned for 5 years.
    A Free Man Managed to avoid being banned for 2 years.
    Breaking Out Managed to avoid being banned for 1 year.
    Ride Into the Sunset Managed to avoid being banned for 3 months.
    Vice Free Managed to avoid being banned for 6 months.
    Escape Artist Managed to avoid being banned for 1 month.
    12 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 12 years.
    Freezing Logged in on Christmas day.



    Height: 6'0

    Eye colour: Blue

    Hair colour: Blonde

    Zodiac sign: Pisces

    Favourite Games:

    Hard question to answer, so many good games

    Favourite Films:

    Hard question to answer, so many good movies

    Favourite Books:

    Ian Fleming's James Bond

    Favourite Food:

    Pizza Hamburgers Tacos Lasagna Spaghetti

    Game Stats

    melbye hasn't added any games yet!