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    L2: Peon(388 until level 3)
    9bladesofice Done adding games for now but I still have more to add eventually. Also if a score is 0 that means I
    • A 30 year old male gamer
    • United States, Maryland
    • Joined on February 5th 2018, last online on 08 February 2018.
    • Profile Views: 1,501
    • Forum posts: 1 times which averages 0 posts per day
    • User Reviews: 1 review written with an average user rating of: 100%
    •   VG$ 1,201.50
    You have liked 0 posts.
    You have 0 liked posts.

    Badges: (view all)

    A Badge Within A Badge Earned 20 badges.
    7 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 7 years.
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    Open For Business Earned 10 badges.
    Back of the Net Score a total of 100 games in your collection.
    Spreading the Disease Score a total of 50 games in your collection.
    Right Tool for the Right Tool Score a total of 25 games in your collection.
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    Everything's Falling Into Place Add a total of 100 games to your collection.



    Occupation: Working at Home currently

    Education: College graduate

    Height: 0'0

    Build: Slim

    Eye colour: Brown

    Hair colour: Brown

    Relationship status: Single


    AIM: Discord: 9bladesofice

    MSN: Multiple other sites: 9blades or 9bladesofice

    Favourite Games:

    New Super Mario Bros, Professor Layton(series), Zelda(series), Fossil Fighters(series), Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team and Explorers Of the Sky, Pokemon Collosseum, Mario Party, Mario Golf, Mario Galaxy, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Odyssey, might add more later.

    Favourite Music:

    Instrumental, newsboys, Eiffel 65, MADs, Anime, Video game, vaporwave, somewhat nightcore though not as much as a few years ago.

    Favourite Films:

    Harry Potter, Star Wars 1-6 only (it officially ended for me there), Jumanji, Zathura, Back to the Future, The Girl who leapt through time, Castle in the Sky, Kiki's Delivery Service, Kirino Mosaic movie, ToAru Movie, might add more here later.

    Favourite Books:

    Harry Potter, Dealing with Dragons series, The Forgotten Door, Trixie Belden series, Clue series, not much else though.

    Favourite Food:

    Crabs, Shrimp, Lotkey, Pepperoni Pizza, Personal Pan Pizza from Pizza Hut, Donuts from Dunkin Donuts, Fruit Punch, Grape soda, Root beer, Sierra Mist (rebranded to Mist Twist), Combination sodas every once in a while.


    Playing video games, Playing online games, Playing mobile games occasionally. I enjoy playing tennis though I don't really get the chance to play it that often and same goes for golfing (and sadly golfing is very expensive and miniature golf just isn't the same).

    About Me:

    I'm 23 and grew up with only Nintendo consoles even since I was 10. Still to this day I only own Nintendo consoles though I might eventually get an X Box and Playstation to play the anime games that Nintendo doesn't have too much of. I graduated college 2 years ago and am still figuring out what to do job-wise though I'm hoping for the best.

    Game Stats

    • 168 total number of games
    • 0 games in common
    • 8.4 average game rating
    • Wii favourite console (36 games)
    • Role-Playing favourite genre (38 games)
    • 45% of games completed