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    L7: Hunter(11,964 until level 8)
    • A 59 year old male gamer
    • Joined on July 21st 2015, last online on 02 October 2020.
    • Profile Views: 18,781
    • Forum posts: 3,209 times which averages 1 posts per day
    • User Reviews: 0 reviews
    •   VG$ -550.00
    Banned (Expires: 9th Jul 10)
    Permaban - Trolling (Well, you were given a chance to back this up with evidence, and nothing. Seems like the only purpose of this post was to get a reaction out of people, which is a common theme with your posts. You're coming off a 30 day ban, and seemingly going right back to the same kind of behavior. You have been warned against spreading misinformation, bait posts, and general trolling. You're closing in on 50 moderations. You've been given more than enough chances, and at this point it seems like the only thing left to do is to find another community. ) ~ JWeinCom [9225102]
    You have liked 12 posts.
    You have 319 liked posts.
    Your most liked post has 6 likes.

    Badges: (view all)

    Site Veteran Has been a VGChartz member for over 5 years.
    Hit And Run 15 comments posted on VGChartz news articles.
    Harvest Time Logged in at the start of Spring.
    A Badge Within A Badge Earned 20 badges.
    4 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 4 years.
    It's a Start Bank a Total of 2,000 VG$.
    Breaking Out Managed to avoid being banned for 1 year.
    Vice Free Managed to avoid being banned for 6 months.
    Ride Into the Sunset Managed to avoid being banned for 3 months.
    Escape Artist Managed to avoid being banned for 1 month.
    Freezing Logged in on Christmas day.
    Haunted Logged in on Halloween.
    3 Years Has been a VGChartz member for over 3 years.
    Open For Business Earned 10 badges.



    Height: 0'0

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