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Forums - Sony Discussion - Dante's Inferno Demo - ugh.... "God of War : Watered down shameless rip-off


Dante's Inferno sucks...atleast the demo does. Why you ask ? Here's why !
1. Horrible voice acting
2. Crap graphics, Lame animated cutscenes
3. Touts 60 FPS action, only... there is a catch
4. Zero originality (Copying God of War, and not meeting the high standards set by it)
5. They said GoW was a button masher...Then what the hell do you call this ?
6. Dante = Not likeable
7. First boss sucked donkey balls.
1.Dante sounds stupid. The way he scream "Beatrice !" makes me want to punch him in the face. The first cutscene in which he draws the cross thing on his chest made me laugh because the scream was just horribly lame. Divine "comedy" indeed. Death sounds like a tramp with a sore throat.The only good voice actor was for Beatrice. Maybe Uncharted 2 spoiled me.
2.Graphics are horrible. God of War Collection looks better. PS2 Prince of Persia games almost looked as good as this. Horrible water effects, muddy textures. Transition from CGI to animated cutscenes is a horrible idea. Why did they do this ?
3.60 FPS ! Awesome right ? NO.
60 FPS is hardly an achievement when the areas you're fighting are always enclosed and small scale. There is absolutely additional nothing going on in the environments (which are merely box shaped areas) around you. God of War III on the other hand is absolutely massive in scale and manages a frame rate between 30 to 60 FPS... besides 60 FPS in not noticable to me in any game that has this functionality.The part where you fight Death is an example for small scale. One of my friends who was watching me fight Death thought it was a fighting game (Tekken, Street fighter, etc.)
4.Dante's Inferno is a HUGE rip-off of God of War III... What are the similarities ? A better question would be what are not ?
Note to Zenfolder - I know you're a huge DMC, Ninja Gaiden fan (I guess its safe to say Japanese hack'n slash fan). Don't bother posting "imo God of War ripped off DMC" in this thread. You always do in Dante's Inferno/God of war threads. God of war and DMC have many dissimiliarities. Sure, GoW is inspired by DMC (which imo, is a brilliant franchise), but GoW is not a direct copy of DMC at all.... there are many differences.
Rip-off factor #1 (5. is a part of this) - Two button attack system (Heavy, light attacks mapped to the same buttons)
Still the combat isn't as fun as GoW and Dante's Weapon is meh. 
Not as fluid as GoW.. I achieved a 238 hit combo in the demo's hardest difficulty without using magic. That is button mashing at its finest.Enemies die way too quickly as well
Rip-off factor #2 - Hold Triangle to launch enemies into the air.
Shameless rip-off of a popular GoW combo with the exact same button command.
Rip-off factor #3 - Grabbing enemies and killing them.
Although grabbing with R2 is awkward.
Rip-off factor #4 - L1 + R1 =  Redemption mode, rip-off of GoW 's Rage of the Titans/Gods
Rip-off factor #5 - QTE mini-games to finish off large enemies.
This is another problem. In GoW III, the QTE prompts appear in the corresponding side of the screen, however in DI, the prompts appear at the centre, much like the PS2 GoWs. Problem is, in the PS2 GoWs, you could actually see what button they want you to press, in DI I couldn't identify the difference between square and circle. 
Rip-off factor #6 - Fixed Camera, Right analog to dodge
The fixed camera in GoW never gave me any problems and imo gave me the best possible view of any battle. However in DI, the camera was annoying at times. In the final parts of the demo, when you had to fight the rideable creature was problematic. I hammered the thing down and it stopped attacking me. The camera was in such a way that I could see the things back and I was facing it directly in a way that I couldn't see Dante and I couldn't see the front of the beast. I thought it was a glitch at first, then the thing started attacking me again. After hammering the thing down again, it stopped attacking me again. This time I could see its front side and saw there was a QTE prompt in front of it. The placement of the QTE prompt is horrible.
Rip-off factor #7 - Health, Mana fountains acted similiarly to the chests in GoW ? Why ?
Can't Dante just drink off the thing ? Why do you have to press circle over and over again to replenish health/magic ? This is a copy of GoW 1 and 2, GoW III removed the process of mashing circle to open chests because it is annoying ( one of my few gripes about the GoW franchise)
Rip-off factor #8 - Rideable creatures
Rip-off factor #9 - Extremely similiar enemies. The small guys are similiar, they had and equivalent to harpies, similiar creatures to minatuars and a rideable creature which had another enemy on its back controlling it (like the cyclopses in GoW II)
6.Dante is not badass and is not likeable. He almost died when someone snuck up from behind him and stabbed him. Enough said. Besides, the voice acting for the main character is horrible imo.
7.The boss battle with Death was....disappointing. Death looked very cool and all.....but the battle sucked. 
Tip : Hold L2 all the way through. ALL of Death's attacks can be blocked. FAIl.. The way he begged for mercy was stupid.
Its ashame. I love God of War and I was certain I would enjoy this because of their "similarities", but after playing the demo, I realised how horribly they ripped off God of War. I was hoping to buy DI along with GoWIII in March, but it looks like I will not buy DI at all. I'm sorry Visceral Games, but you will not get my money for this laughably bad rip-off. Say what you want, but it is nothing but a huge copy. Maybe I will buy it one day for less than $20 if they have improved on some of the things I complained about ( I doubt some of those things will get fixed).
The GoWIII Demo was so much better than this, and that demo didn't have ANY story elements (which is GoW's strongest factor imo).


Dante's Inferno sucks...atleast the demo does. Why you ask ? Here's why !

1. Horrible voice acting

2. Crap graphics, Lame animated cutscenes

3. Touts 60 FPS action, only... there is a catch

4. Zero originality (Copying God of War, and not meeting the high standards set by it)

5. They said GoW was a button masher...Then what the hell do you call this ?

6. Dante = Not likeable

7. First boss sucked donkey balls.


1.Dante sounds stupid. The way he scream "Beatrice !" makes me want to punch him in the face. The first cutscene in which he draws the cross thing on his chest made me laugh because the scream was just horribly lame. Divine "comedy" indeed. Death sounds like a tramp with a sore throat.The only good voice actor was for Beatrice. Maybe Uncharted 2 spoiled me.


2.Graphics are horrible. God of War Collection looks better. PS2 Prince of Persia games almost looked as good as this. Horrible water effects, muddy textures. Transition from CGI to animated cutscenes is a horrible idea. Why did they do this ?


3.60 FPS ! Awesome right ? NO.

60 FPS is hardly an achievement when the areas you're fighting are always enclosed and small scale. There is absolutely additional nothing going on in the environments (which are merely box shaped areas) around you. God of War III on the other hand is absolutely massive in scale and manages a frame rate between 30 to 60 FPS... besides 60 FPS in not noticable to me in any game that has this functionality.The part where you fight Death is an example for small scale. One of my friends who was watching me fight Death thought it was a fighting game (Tekken, Street fighter, etc.)


4.Dante's Inferno is a HUGE rip-off of God of War III... What are the similarities ? A better question would be what are not ?

Note to Zenfolder - I know you're a huge DMC, Ninja Gaiden fan (I guess its safe to say Japanese hack'n slash fan). Don't bother posting "imo God of War ripped off DMC" in this thread. You always do in Dante's Inferno/God of war threads. God of war and DMC have many dissimiliarities. Sure, GoW is inspired by DMC (which imo, is a brilliant franchise), but GoW is not a direct copy and paste of DMC at all.... there are many differences.


Rip-off factor #1 (5. is a part of this) - Two button attack system (Heavy, light attacks mapped to the same buttons)

Still the combat isn't as fun as GoW and Dante's Weapon is meh. 

Not as fluid as GoW.. I achieved a 238 hit combo in the demo's hardest difficulty without using magic. That is button mashing at its finest.Enemies die way too quickly as well


Rip-off factor #2 - Hold Triangle to launch enemies into the air.

Shameless rip-off of a popular GoW combo with the exact same button command.


Rip-off factor #3 - Grabbing enemies and killing them.

Although grabbing with R2 is awkward.


Rip-off factor #4 - L1 + R1 =  Redemption mode, rip-off of GoW 's Rage of the Titans/Gods


Rip-off factor #5 - QTE mini-games to finish off large enemies.

This is another problem. In GoW III, the QTE prompts appear in the corresponding side of the screen, however in DI, the prompts appear at the centre, much like the PS2 GoWs. Problem is, in the PS2 GoWs, you could actually see what button they want you to press, in DI I couldn't identify the difference between square and circle. 


Rip-off factor #6 - Fixed Camera, Right analog to dodge

The fixed camera in GoW never gave me any problems and imo gave me the best possible view of any battle. However in DI, the camera was annoying at times. In the final parts of the demo, when you had to fight the rideable creature was problematic. I hammered the thing down and it stopped attacking me. The camera was in such a way that I could see the things back and I was facing it directly in a way that I couldn't see Dante and I couldn't see the front of the beast. I thought it was a glitch at first, then the thing started attacking me again. After hammering the thing down again, it stopped attacking me again. This time I could see its front side and saw there was a QTE prompt in front of it. The placement of the QTE prompt is horrible.


Rip-off factor #7 - Health, Mana fountains acted similiarly to the chests in GoW ? Why ?

Can't Dante just drink off the thing ? Why do you have to press circle over and over again to replenish health/magic ? This is a copy of GoW 1 and 2, GoW III removed the process of mashing circle to open chests because it is annoying ( one of my few gripes about the GoW franchise)


Rip-off factor #8 - Rideable creatures


Rip-off factor #9 - Extremely similiar enemies. The small guys are similiar, they had and equivalent to harpies, similiar creatures to minatuars and a rideable creature which had another enemy on its back controlling it (like the cyclopses in GoW II)


6.Dante is not badass and is not likeable. He almost died when someone snuck up from behind him and stabbed him. Enough said. Besides, the voice acting for the main character is horrible imo.


7.The boss battle with Death was....disappointing. Death looked very cool and all.....but the battle sucked. 

Tip : Hold L2 all the way through. ALL of Death's attacks can be blocked. FAIL.. The way he begged for mercy was stupid.


Its ashame. I love God of War and I was certain I would enjoy this because of their "similarities", but after playing the demo, I realised how horribly they ripped off God of War. I was hoping to buy DI along with GoWIII in March, but it looks like I will not buy DI at all. I'm sorry Visceral Games, but you will not get my money for this laughably bad rip-off. Say what you want, but it is nothing but a huge copy. Maybe I will buy it one day for less than $20 if they have improved on some of the things I complained about ( I doubt some of those things will get fixed).

The GoWIII Demo was so much better than this, and that demo didn't have ANY story elements (which is GoW's strongest factor imo).



Around the Network

You know you can tell it's a direct GOW ripoff without even playing on the Demo, and your right about the graphics, they really are bad. None the less some sad people will try and claim it is better than GOW just because it is on XBOX as well.

it's the future of handheld


The official Vita thread

"It's not a PS3 exclusive"

Your Rip off factors made me lol.

Pixel Art can be fun.

whatever you do , don't you dare diss Divine Comedy! its not it's fault that EA made a lame ass game.

I live for the burn...and the sting of pleasure...
I live for the sword, the steel, and the gun...

- Wasteland - The Mission.

Around the Network

the worst part is the slow/heavy weapon and bad graphics,,,,dante is unlikable but the game is good ;)




Akvod said:
"It's not a PS3 exclusive"


Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

jneul said:
You know you can tell it's a direct GOW ripoff without even playing on the Demo, and your right about the graphics, they really are bad. None the less some sad people will try and claim it is better than GOW just because it is on XBOX as well.

Its inFAMOUS vs Prototype all over again...only this time its worse.

I'm definitely not bitching because its not a PS3 exclusive, but being a big fan of the genre, I feel that Dante is over hyped because certain people think its the 360's answer to God of War.

Darksiders looks brilliant.

Bayonetta looks awesome too.

DI, is just unacceptable.

MetalGearSolid_4ever said:

Its inFAMOUS vs Prototype all over again...only this time its worse.

You said it buddy.