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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Media going crazy over Project Natal

Lets get this thread straight!


Natal = Eye pet Knock Off Confirmed!


PS Mote = Wii mote knock off Confirmed!


Wii mote = $$$$ Still being Confirmed as we speak!

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I have a feeling Natal can be revolutionary, and I want it to, however, IMHO, the only obstacles holding it back are pricing (You know it will cost you) and support (there is already is considerable amount of support from very good third-party companies)

About it being a Wii killer? Not a chance, at least at the moment. It could however give serious competition to the Wii in America as the PS3 is doing slowly in Japan.

Nonetheless, it will be a revolutionary feat once it is released.

This is the true definition of owning.

A new console launch with Project Natal is quite possible for 2010. It would be 5 years since the XBox 360 was released back in 2005. It is almost time for a new generation console to be launched.
Project Natal could be launched as an add-on to experiment with XBox 360 for 2010 and then launched as standard with the new XBox more likely to be released in 2011 or 2012. Similar to how XBox Live was phased in 2003 or 2004 and then it was launched with XBox 360 as standard.
Natal Project could be a successful new innovation for Microsoft and follow in the footsteps of the successful XBox Live.




True! And remember the Wii HD is supposed to launch! They could double team the PS3 and force the PS4 to launch prematurely!


But i HIGHLY doubt that will happen because games like Alan Wake still are not out yet, i think it would be a slap in the face to Remidy if MS did that.

The media will continue to go crazy over Natal till its launch. I think a major reason is because the media did not support Wii. The media is noticing that the few studios that supported Wii out of the gate got huge coverage over night. The Wii revolutionalized gaming and the entire game media and the media now is not about to be left behind on Natal.

However Natal being a Wii killer is just plain funny. Natal alone will probubly cost 200$ if it doesn't get bundled with the Nextbox or 360 next year I doubt it will live up to the expectations!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


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Check the date of the posting - this was right after E3 2009, in June. Current day, Natal is only discussed by the devs working on games for it and gaming forums like here. The buzz has been long drowned out since E3.