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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Did You Answer 'Visitor' In The Other Poll?


Visitors, which console do you own?

PS4 14 50.00%
XB1 4 14.29%
WiiU 10 35.71%

If you answered 'Visitor' in the other poll, do you own a PS4, XB1 or a WiiU? The last poll for a while, it's just that I thought the other poll was crying out for this question.


The PS5 Exists. 

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Wii U and PS4. How should I answer the poll? Maybe vote twice?

Do you assume everybody owns only one console? And everybody owns 8th gen?

I own Wii U and PS4, but I've used my Wii U much more so I voted that in the poll.

Wii U NNID:  CWegzz
3DS Friend Code:  4210-5277-5484
PSN:  Ronnoc4
Steam:  CWegz

PS4 and Wii U, but I voted for PS4 since I've played that more

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I answered visitor but own neither.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"