I'm new to the tales series (longtime Final Fantasy fan) and i have to say I am very impressed i'm playing abyss right now on the 3ds (my first tales game) and i love it. The characters are insanely deep, each one with a refreshingly original personality that isn't so cut and dry. The story (which i heard that tales games stories were lacking) I have to say is awesome man right up there with FF 7 and 9 for complexity, there really is a lot going on even aside from all the characters connections, past's and interaction's.
It's pretty original too for what it's worth, because let's get real just about every scenario and story has happened already with a few tweaks here and there. It's something that can't be helped any game being released right now has taken things from the past and has things we have already seen before but it's the characters and the way they present it that seperates it from being "just another RPG" you could say that about any shooter game that comes out "just another shooting game" because the foundation (just like in RPG games) is a "been there done that seen that already" but the foundation is there for a reason! it's what we expect in that kind of game. It's what you build on that foundation that makes the difference.
Imagine every RPG game you have played being your first one everytime it would make the game 100 times better because it would be new, but since we've played 10's of RPG's we have seen it all already so poor games like "symphonia" get the old "cliche" title slapped to it. Just think if it was your first RPG ever you wouldn't know what "cliche" is, because it would all be new.
Anyway guys What would a longtime tales fan recommend to me for my next tales experience? I want to try symphonia next but i want to make sure the storyline is deep and the characters are rich and colorful with their own true personalities. Validation the rumors about it are false. Thank you for the help!