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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - In theory, if Nintendo never gets back AAA 3rd party support than would u rather have a powerful or weak console?

low cost, its not like Ninty goes ape crap on the graphics front anway, might as well be affordable especially since for me i would only be buying a couple of games.

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More tools doesn't necessarily translate to better art, but it certainly does increase the chance of it.

I'd rather a more powerful system, but if it was a pre-determined fact that nothing Nintendo does could result in any kind of change with 3rd parties, i think a lower-spec machine would be a wiser choice for them. They wouldn't be attracting many core gamers who weren't already Nintendo fans anyway, so they might as well capitalize on those to whom price is more relevant than most other things (e.g. parents on birthdays/christmas).

I would rather have a more powerful console, but in order to achieve that as well as keep costs down, I think Nintendo should do the following:

1. No gimmicks. Basic, cheap controller. Like the Pro.
2. Extremely efficient OS. The less resources that the OS uses, the more resources there are that will be available to games, and the less that will be needed in the console overall.

Edit:  3.  Don't include backwards compatibility.  Have controller compatibility (just not the Gamepad) especially if the next system uses a controller like the Pro.

Edit 2:  Actually now that I think about it they could still let you use the Gamepad but just let it work like the Pro (shut off the screen).

NNID: garretslarrity

Steam: garretslarrity

I want power, but power costs money. Outside of the $600 PS3 I rarely here anyone bitch about the costs of Sony or Microsoft consoles. Seems to me most people expect Nintendo to be priced cheaply, kind of a double standard. Who knows, maybe I'm just not listening to the right people ... i just don't think many would be willing to pay for a powerful NX system the way they would for a Sony or Microsoft box.

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Moderate power at a very affordable price. They've don't need performance to sell a console and the one time they tried (GameCube) it didn't even hit 30 million. Granted, I had a GameCube and loved it lol but that's not the point I want to make.

Nintendo games really would not benefit from bleeding edge tech since the first party games emplore an art style that is already beautiful and honestly, with where technology is at now they could easily achieve stunning visuals at a mouth watering price

Obviously powerful.

I'd rather have another $300 box that beats out the PS4 than a $150 one that doesn't offer any real improvement in graphics. I'm happy with the Wii U right now, but the thing launched in 2012 and would have been more powerful at that price point had the second screen not eaten up so much of the price tag. The NX will be out by 2016 at the earliest - hopefully 2017. It would be unacceptable for it to not be on par with the XBO, at the very least.

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Personally, I will buy whatever they release, to me Nintendo represents quality, I enjoy their games,they are entertaining,challenging and their games have a good replay value. This does not mean that I do not own other consoles, I would not know what to say if I was limited to one console only.

I would be happy to be able to play 3DS graphics games on the TV - so the power now is OK.
The Wii made it right - not everyone needs a Ferrari to drive the kids to school.