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Since all games for these 2 gens were so easy would you mind showing your playstation profile with all the platinum you have for crushing these easy games?

So you consider quantity instead of quality? Wonderful, I understand why you struggle to understand why we consider that games are easier today.

With that being said, developers are not obligated to provide a lower-difficulty mode, and I do think there's plenty of merit in having a good challenge in a game. I personally don't want to simply breeze through a game. However, the existence of an "easy" mode (or other optional assists) shouldn't be viewed as a negative. Multiple difficulty levels does not inherently detract from the experience, and a game is not all the lesser for having them. There's nothing wrong with someone wanting to start off on a lower difficulty so they can practice and "git gud" without things getting too frustrating, or even being able to (heaven forbid!) have a more casual experience. There's too many elitist gamers that want their hobby to be as exclusive as possible. If there are difficulty levels, then the "hardcore" players can play on the harder difficulty level, simple as that. And I do think more games with multiple difficulty levels would be nice. I'm days away from turning 40. I don't have the time I used to have, and honestly my reaction time isn't what it was (my muscular dystrophy may be contributing to that as well). But even if a hard game doesn't have an easier mode, I'll still try to practice, assuming it's not too frustrating.

I am 38, so we are from the same generation. I don't have an issue with games having different level of difficulty, I have issues with crybabies complaining that Dark Souls or Sekiro don't have an eay mode. And the crybabies will write pages and pages on why most games, in general, should have an easy mode but never explain why a specific game must have an easy mode. I can also explain why books in general should be translated, but that doesn't explain why the book "la disparition" (a french book) should be. And the whole idea is stupid: the book with written with the letter e, translating the story would defeat the purpose of the book itself.

I just finished Hollow Knight. The difficulty of the game can be cut in 2 categories

1) Lack of direction

2) Boss fights

Let's talk about the game pre-DLCs.

Giving more "hints" would defeat the purpose of the game. A big part of the game is exploring areas, finding new powers to get acess to new areas. For the boss fights, having more health/doing more damage wouldn't help much, and you can do that by getting the upgrades. So what would an easy mode achieve? Giving you the ability to face tank the bosses earlier in the game?

warned pi-guy for flaming

Last edited by the-pi-guy - on 13 February 2020