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I’m going to get real here, I have more then just a suspicion that many fans but certainly not everybody, are clinging to this argument that cross gen games will hold back Series X power because they are on some level insecure that PS5 won’t have the power advantage. 

Ps3 has it, PS4 had it for the bulk of the gen. Games looked better and you take pride in having the best versions. A lot of people had a great time comparing the inferior resolutions between the XB1 and PS4 in the early years. Looking back I’d say you got greedy in having your fun. 

I know, that having a certain brand loyalty to a console of choice leads to it becoming part of your identity. What the brand means, what the brand may identify with it on a deep level. Maybe these exclusives helped you escape a painful time in reality. Point being when another product has a perceived advantage it is seen as not only an attack on the brand but an attack on the fan (their identify and beliefs). 

Nevermind that once you actually think about it you’d know that all MSs games are built around PC and scaled down. Every console gets the best version for that consoles capabilities so long as you put in the time. They ignore that 3rd parties, the bulk of game sales, can do what they want. That neither company makes full use of hardware at launch. All because can’t accept that your precious multiplats will be slightly inferior? I mean I’d rather you all be honest about your true motivations instead of pretending to know the inner workings of game development and faking concern for Xbox gamers. 

Last edited by sales2099 - on 12 February 2020

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