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Bofferbrauer2 said:
Luke888 said:
I've just seen Daemon X Machina at the 86th spot in the hourly rankings, does anybody know if it was already down there in the past few days or if it just showed up ? It seems to be performing way worse than Astral Chain, maybe more people will go digital on this one ?

It's slowly rising. For instance, at the time of writing this, it's already on the 74th spot.

And yes, it's not doing too hot. Probably a casualty of having too many games in a short timeframe incoming: Astral Chain, Daemon X Machina, Link's Awakening, Dragon Quest XI S, Ni no Kuni... September was already Jam-packed with great games before the Direct dropped another ton onto the month. Being a more niche  type of game, it's getting squashed between the better-known titles of the month's releases.

On the other hand, the demo might have pushed people to buy the game in the eShop instead, but I still think it might struggle to reach the million

Yesterday I found out the game is 5 pounds cheaper than other full price titles on the UK e-shop but it doesn't seem to be the case elsewhere, while AC definitely seems to have more traction in Europe compared to Japan and the US I think DxM will have a bigger splash in Japan and US, maybe this territory division will help push the sales forward, I have a hard time believing an exclusive published from Nintendo will flop unless the reviews are really bad