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SuaveSocialist said:
VAMatt said:

1)  Okay.  What's your point?  

2) The right to defend yourself is absolutely a human right. 

1.  That the decrease is an irrelevant data point when arguing in favor of gun ownership/proliferation, meritless to those who understand what numbers mean.

2.  Unfortunately, there has been a consensus among all nations, from civilization's inception to the present day, that all rights (be they real or imagined by yourself) are subject to limitations.  And further, that limitations do not inherently equate to infringements on those rights.

Appropriately enough, humanity has long since reached the consensus that gun control is not an infringement on self defense.  Were it so, West Korean leaders would be continuing an age-old condemnation of virtually every other developed nation for their 'human rights violation' of gun control.  Instead, West Korea is conspicuously soft.  What are the odds?

If you wish to argue in favor of gun control, the argument will need to meet a minimum standard of logic and accuracy.   

"Unfortunately, there has been a consensus among all nations, from civilization's inception to the present day"

lol which nations exactly are you talking about? you do understanding that the nations that formed first allowed for abhorrent activities like slavery right?

"Appropriately enough, humanity has long since reached the consensus that gun control is not an infringement on self defense."

america was formed in direct opposition to your stated values here so its pretty much bullshit

who exactly are you talking about? you do understand that the context of this discussion is the united states which currently has written into its constitution the right to bear arms?

"If you wish to argue in favor of gun control, the argument will need to meet a minimum standard of logic and accuracy.   "

and he did while you started off by stating that we should conduct ourselves in accordance to civilisations that condoned activities like slavery