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I just don't understand what you guys still don't understand. Microsoft doesn't make much money by selling hardware. Most of the revenues comes from Subscription services and software sales. The future is in Cross platform, cross play and subscription model services. You will probably not see a true PS5 and Scarlet exclusive that doesn't get ported to the older hardware at the start of next generation. Since both Sony and Microsoft will probably offer cross platform meaning that if you buy on game on older hardware it will be available on the next gen hardware there is no reason to stop supporting older hardware for as long as you can.

There is also another major factor that most people don't consider when making these stupid thread. The adoption rate of 4k or better TV, to this day 720p and 1080p TV are still being sold in major retailers. When consumers are ask to either upgrade their older consoles or older TV. The TV upgrade should come first. If you are asking them to do both at the same time that becomes a much bigger financial burden. Xbox one X and PS4 Pro has proven that support for older tech is actually not that complicated.

Having said that, I pity anyone having to play Halo Infinite on a OG Xbox One. I have no doubt that it will work but I wouldn't be surprise if the game ran at 720p.