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jason1637 said:

1.By allowing it they are indirectly promoting suicide.

False. It just means the Government has no position on the matter.

Otherwise what you are suggesting is that the government promotes murder by not having gun legislation... And that doesn't happen, right?

jason1637 said:

So you'd be fine with someone wanting to shoot themselves in the head if they're in pain as their way of being creative about their death?

That is an option for individuals to take if there isn't more humane ways for people to Euthanase themselves.

I would prefer a drug cocktail that makes it painless and quick in a safe, private area.

jason1637 said:

2. The answer is still no. I have not worked in any emergency services.

Then shouldn't you try taking onboard the perspectives of those that have?
Have a little empathy.

jason1637 said:

3. In these rare cases the person will die very soon anyway. They should enjoy the time they have left even if they are in pain. Their pain might even go away with new medicine.

Absolutely false. Some people last decades in severe pain.

jason1637 said:

4. So ya'll made the decision that it was better to let the animal die. What if the animals wanted to live?

The animals wouldn't have lived either way, making such a thing irrelevant... If anything their suffering would have gotten worse as a couple of farmers don't have the time, money or resources to look after dozens of animals that have life-long debilitating injuries.

jason1637 said:

5. I'm not saying that my opinion is from life experience. Most people don't go through issues that are prominent today but they can still give educated opinions on these problems.

Put yourself in a position where you are pretty much bed-bound for the next 50 years, you are unable to walk, go to the toilet, bathe, go shopping, go to work, go to birthday parties, go to the movies, go to the beach... Unable to sleep or relax because all you can do is scream out in excessive pain... Or get drugged up to such a extent that you cannot perceive the world around you anyway.

Ask yourself is that the kind of life you would find tantalizing?

jason1637 said:

I'm Catholic but i haven't really practiced my faith in the past year/year and a half. My opinion has nothing to due with the Catholic teachings but I am aware that the Catholic church opposes euthanasia.

The Church opposes allot of things I guess, but only when it's convenient.

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