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Nancy Pelosi said something that I agree with. To paraphrase, she said whoever the Democratic candidate is, they don't need to run on a platform of "Trump is bad." That doesn't work. Nobody cares how much of a piece of shit he is. Don't even mention Trump's name. Focus on what YOU will bring to the table.

And someone else in this thread said something that I disagree with. They said "Democrats won't accept any president that they don't pick."

I don't think that's the case. I'm happy with anyone who carries themselves with respect. Who, even if I disagree with their tactics, seems to have the American people's best interest at heart.

Trump's tactic of constantly telling his fanbase "You're awesome. You're the best. People who aren't like you are awful." may work but it really hurts the morale of people who don't share his values. His lies and contradictions are just way too much. And his policies have hurt me and my family, costing us thousands of dollars.

I'm happy with any candidate that wants to work together with people, even if they disagree. I want compromise.