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First off, I'd recommend going to the SuggestALaptop discord. You can ask there and lots of people will help out.

Second - be very cautious. Most of the high-end and name brands are rubbish. Each company has one or maybe two very specific decent models, but for the most part put HP, Dell, Razer, ASUS, etc, out of your mind.

Third - you can mostly ignore youtubers and bloggers reviews of laptops. Most of them are paid to shill for whatever they're reviewing. If you watch/read enough of their reviews, you can spot the shill a mile away; in a real review they slag the junk laptop off. In a paid one, the negatives of a product are "nitpicking" if there are any negatives at all.

The main thing you need to look for before specs is cooling. Cooling, cooling, cooling. It can't be stressed enough how important cooling is yet most reviews don't even really talk about it. Basically every "best laptops of 20XX" list features great specs and portability but with a frame that will fry your motherboard in less than 2 years.

If I could recommend anything close to what you're looking for, look up the Mech 15 G2. It's by a company you might have never heard of but they make awesome stuff. - you can buy the base one outright or customize the hell out of it. Either way it's miles and miles better than the top brands out there.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"