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Mnementh said:
SpokenTruth said:

You don't live in the US so I don't expect you to be familiar with all of our laws but the Supreme Court ruled in Roe Vs Wade that abortion is legal nationally.  All of these state laws are unenforceable and will be overturned by the Supreme Court. 

They are largely protest laws by Republicans because they know they can't get their way even with Trump in office.

Actually, with the Trump-appointed judges the states that make these laws might see a chance that it goes to the supreme court and leads to overturning Roe vs. Wade. That might be the reason for the extreme laws put up, so that they are more likely to be challenged in court.

That's exactly what their gameplay is and they even stated it.  Alabama can go fuck itself with it not even excluding rape or incest after short 8 weeks which most women probably don't even know they are pregnant by then.  Alabama went so far that most GOP congress reps are like whoa that's too far.