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Flilix said:
Pemalite said:

We are grain producing area, after the grain season has ended, farmers will generally introduce cattle to the idle paddock, where the cattle will keep the weeds down (Less chemicals required) and graze on stubble.
It would be idle wasted land otherwise and it allows the farmer to make some extra cash during the off-growing season.

Yeah, I get that, but because of the enourmous amount of cattle we farm (look at the statistics posted earlier in this thread), this technique can only be used for a small percentage.

For the record, I don't think that making the entire world vegan is a realistic goal, and the vast majority of vegans knows that too. I'm also 99.9% sure that the OP is not being serious, considering his thread history. However, I do think that there should be a shift in mentality and that the average person should start eating significantly less meat (in the first place for the evironment).

Should also keep in mind that Cattle eating the stubble/weeds also assist in fertilizing the ground... Sure this might only be a small percentage of the farmland... But it's something very common in South Australia as we are the driest state on the driest continent in the world, so we need to cycle what we produce to maintain farm viability.

In saying that... In the last year I am probably eating more meat, because I need the protein to bulk and there is less carbohydrates in meat to assist in cutting, it also makes fasting easier as Carbohydrates will make you hungrier more often.
In short, more meat in my diet is healthier and my macro tracking and the doctor and the results I have had in the last year is backing me on that empirically...
Do I need allot of muscle mass? Yes. Yes I do. And animal proteins is one of the best ways to achieve that.

Meat is a staple of the Homosapien diet, it's always been there and will always be there, that's just a fact of life.
What I do take issue with (And the same thing generally holds true for most political/religious issues) is people trying to force their view upon others in an almost militant way... Where no other perspectives are allowed.
They should be trying to educate people in a constructive, civil manner, not invading farms, not holding up traffic, not calling people murderers... It doesn't help their cause a single iota, what they are doing is ostracizing themselves and destroying any positive messages.

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