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Being unemployed absolutely sucks and I give my story....

No job prospects, no future, no hope. Where I live there are no jobs unless you know someone. Years have gone by and I am still stuck in same position. I could have done course after course and it would all be for nothing because it is experience that leads to employment. When there are no jobs it is bad luck there are no jobs and you are stuck on welfare, charity, begging on streets or whatever it takes to survive.

Unless you know the right people, finding employment is near impossible and relies a lot on luck of being in the right place at the right time. The employment services were terrible they could not help with cover letters, could not assist with resumes or set me up with employment positions. It was man up, get over it and toughen up princess. I mass mailed job ads and sounded really desperate and offered to work for free but no responses.

The longer I was unemployed the more unemployable I became hopeless, anxious, depressed, embarrassed and ashamed. Long term unemployment sucked the life out of me. I could not believe that I bothered with education an completed diploma, advanced diploma and degree in Accounting to end up unemployed and too old to do retail/fast food jobs that get filled by younger people. Education for me was an absolutely waste of time and I wish I took a fast food/retail job at 15 or 16 and stuck with that instead of bothering with education. 

Has anyone else experienced unemployment or worse long term unemployed and realised they wasted their life completing a degree to end up unemployable?