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I live in America, in the heart of the Midwest.. Circumcision central and capitol of the world, basically (aside from maybe Israel and much of the Middle East). So yep lol.

The more I'm reading about it, the more I wish I wasn't. I know my parents obviously didn't exactly have information readily available at their beck and call back in the mid 80's (no internet and all)but dammit, they are smart people and I would have thought they could have at least used a bit of critical thinking that maybe slicing off part of your infant son's genitals (which include unique parts that perform unique functions and come with tons of extra nerve endings) may not be the best move. I know humanity is very tribal in nature, and whatever is going on with others within their circle, they tend to copy. But something as permanent and significant as this I just wish they would have put more thought into.

I've read up quite a bit on manual restoration and strongly considering giving it a go.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden